Ch.63 Ghostly figure

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 At Marooner's Rock, while the Wonderlandians were still trapped in the invisible barrier, all bored to death, Pan and Blackbeard entered as the pirate chuckled when he saw them.

"Looks like ye all are already bored to death" he chuckled.

 "Why don't you just kill me now?" Ilene muttered while laying on the ground on her back "I've suffered enough."

Pan gave a chuckle as he turned to Blackbeard "She's my favorite."

"What did you do with that canteen of Dreamshade venom?" Brenden suddenly demanded.

"Excuse me?" Pan questioned in a mocking way.

"I'm not stupid you know-" Brenden frowned "I know you put Dreamshade venom into that rum canteen, now who did you give it you?"

"What are you like some super observer?"

"You can say that" he shrugged "But I know Dreamshade venom when I see it."

Pan gave another chuckle "Well Wonderboy, if you must know, in about 1 more hour, if he doesn't get any help, Piper will be dead."

At that point it caught all of their attention as their eyes widen.

"I told him that his friends would either have to save you guys, or him" he smirked "And now I'm just waiting for the moment."

But at that point, everyone noticed that Blackbeard was pounding on his chest while trying to gasp for air.

"Uh, what's wrong with you?" Amanda asked him with a wondering look.

He tried to speak, but he just collapsed while feeling his breath being taken away.

"Is he having a stroke?" Ilene questioned surprised.

At that moment, Blackbeard had stopped breathing, and he was pale and motionless. Wondering what had happened, Pan went up to the body and examined it.

"Well that was random" Lauren commented astonished "So what was it? A stroke?"

"I'm not sure..." Pan replied, wondering if that really happened.


At the Lost Boys campsite, everyone watched as the Enchanted Candle blew out after Chris said Blackbeard's name. And at that point they watched in astonishment as the venom in Piper's veins started to disappear as Piper gave a tired moan.

"Piper" Wendy called calmly, hoping that he would wake up.

But instead of waking up, Piper suddenly began to slowly float off the bed as everyone's eyes widen. Not knowing what was going on, everyone just stood there and watched as Piper just hovered over the bed.

"Well this is an exorcism moment" Courtly commented amused.

Just then Piper began to wake up as he gave a moan while rubbing his eyes.

"Piper" Wendy gasped.

"Huh?" he mumbled when he fully opened his eyes and saw what was happening.

"What the?" he gasped "How-? I have my flight back?"

"It appears so" Peter smiled.

Piper couldn't believe it, after all this time of waiting his flight had finally returned to him.

"Wait a minute-" he suddenly said as he lowered himself down while looking at his arms "How am I cured? I didn't use the diamond."

"Well thankfully Chris had a Plan B" Marissa pointed to Chris who held up the candle.

"What is that?" Piper asked.

"An Enchanted Candle" Chris explained "I used it to save your life, while at the same time taking away Blackbeard's life."

"What?" Piper's eyes widen.

"I know it sounds sinister, but I promised myself to use it for emergencies, and since you weren't responding, I figured I might as well use it."

Piper just sat there surprised, but at the same time he felt relived.

"Thank you" he said.

"No problem."

At that point the door flung opened as the musketeers entered and saw that Piper was okay.

"Oh good you're alive" Arial breathed in relief.

"Where did you guys go?" Piper asked.

"Well um..." they mumbled while trying to think of how to explain it.

"We had something to take care of" Antony suddenly replied.

Everyone then saw the blood on Arial's sword.

"You finished her off didn't you?" Chase said to her.

"Oui" she smirked.

"You finished who off?" Piper questioned.

"That's not important-" Blade declared "What's important is that now that you're cured, we have to go save your friends."

"Right" Piper agreed.

"But first, chance your shirt" Wendy advised.

"Oh right."

After that everyone headed outside.

"Ye have Pandora's Box?" Marissa asked him.

"Oh uh..." he nervously replied, remembering what had happened earlier "Not exactly."

"What?" she gasped "Ye lost it?!"

"No, Pan took it from me after he tricked me into drinking the Dreamshade venom."

"Oh great" she grunted "Now this just got harder."

"Well how are suppose to get the box from Pan now?" Courtly asked with frustration.

"We'll think of something" Piper said "Let's just go."

(Flashback) Still stranded on the deserted island, the musketeers searched everywhere for firewood as they gathered up as much as they could find and began to make the fire at shore.

"I think we should make some weapons" Porter suggested "I mean if there are cannibals on this island, we might as well be prepared."

"In that case you guys find some long sticks to make spears" Antony ordered "I have to finish making this fire."

"But, what happens if we run into a cannibal?" Blade questioned with a worried look.

"Run, throw rocks at it, do anything to survive."

They all sighed as they headed off. Now in the woods, Blade searched around for a long strong stick to make a spear out of while at the same time looking around for any danger. He then came upon a large river that seemed too quiet. It was moving very slow and there didn't seem to be a sign of life in and near it. That is until he heard a little splash as he turned and saw a ripple in the water. Thinking it was just a fish, he shrugged it off as he searched around the shore.

But at that point he heard the splash, and this time when he looked up, he spotted what appeared to be a black fin diving into the water. But this wasn't like any other fish fin, it was larger than average and it almost looked ghostly like. Wanting to get a better look, Blade spotted a nearby tree with a long thick branch hanging over the water. So being careful, he began to climb onto the tree and slowly onto the branch while hanging on to another branch.

As he peered into the water, he immediately spotted something big moving in the water, and as he looked closer, he saw that it was a long and massive fish tail. But just when he tried to get  closer look, he suddenly a crack coming behind him. Not having enough time to turn around, Blade suddenly felt the branch beneath him snap as he fell straight into the freezing water as his head smashed against a rock knocking him out.

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