Ch.38 Hawkins letter

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After a while of hiking through the Neverwoods, everyone soon came upon the Lost Boys campsite that appeared to be empty.

"No way" Piped gasped with a smile as he examined the place "This place hasn't changed."

"Where is everyone?" Elena asked.

"Probably hiding" Tootles replied as he turned to Piper with a smile "Care to do the honors Piper?"

"With pleasure" Piper smiled as he then shouted "BOYS!"

At that point they watched as the Lost Boys poked their heads out from their tree houses.

"Is that Piper?" Twin 1 gasped when they looked out and saw him.

"Piper!" they all cried in delight as they quickly made their way down.

Piper gave a big smile as the boys came running to him and tackled him down in a group hug.

"Ow" he moaned on the ground.

"Is it really you?!" Nibs gasped as they got off of him.

"Yes it's me" he assured with a smile as they helped him up.

"We thought you were dead" Twin 2 gasped.

"I almost won, but I manged to escape Blackbeard. But where are my parents?"

"They're in England right now" Slightly replied "They should be back later."

At that point the door in the main tree opened as the Wonderlandians came out.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked.

"Lauren!" Elena gasped.

"Elena!" Lauren gasped back as they ran up and into a hug.

"Are you guys okay?" Olivia asked the Wonderlandians with a worried look.

"Yeah we're fine" Ilene assured a bit surprised "We're just surprised that you all actually came."

"Well duh" Aidan replied in an obvious tone "We weren't gonna let some pirates take you guys and get away with it."

"Yeah we still don't know why" Christina put in "I mean we know about Piper's clone and all and he may be behind our abduction, but we have no idea why."

"Well that's what we're gonna find out" Piper declared.

"And we gotta hurry because he said that no one's leaving this island alive" Elena put in nervously.

"So what do we do?" Lauren asked.

"Well first things first-" Piper explained "We gotta find out what Pan's up to and how to put a stop to it."

"Mira and David went to go see if they can get something that can trap Pan" Elena put in "We're still waiting for them."

"Well until we know for sure, we need to find a way to know what Pan's up to."

"Anyone got any ideas on how we're gonna do that?" Amanda asked with a doubt "Because Pan's a sneak, he could get away with whatever he's planning without us even knowing."

"So that's it?" Courtly questioned "We can't do anything about it?"

Everyone then turned to each other, wondering how they were going to do it without getting caught.

(Flashback) After finding the map, Chris sat at a table in his inn while examining the map. He was so distracted by it that he didn't hear two guys his age entering and coming up to him.

"Chris" the blonde one spoke up which caught his attention.

"Oh good you're here" Chris replied relieved "I wanna you two something."

He spread out the map on the table.

"A map?" the brunette questioned.

"Not just any map, the same map my father used to find Treasure Island."

"Seriously?" the blonde gasped astonished.

"Have a look" he offered with a smile as they examined the map.

"Nice" the brunette smiled amused "So you thinking about searching for Treasure Island?"


"Well when you know tell us, cause we're coming with you."

"Of course" Chris promised.

"Hey word of advice-" the blonde put in "Don't show that map to Marissa, when she's hears about treasure, she'll go after it."

"I know Scout, I'm not an idiot."

Later that day, as Chris was sitting on a bench outside the inn writing in a notebook when a women wearing an apron came up to him.

"Chris-" she said as she handed him an envelope "Your father sent you another letter."

"Thanks mum" he smiled as he took the letter as she went back into the inn.

Wondering what his father had sent him, Chris opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.


I don't know if you've found the map yet, but in case you haven't, it's in my old chest up in the attic. Now I forgot to mention something on the map, the treasure of Billy Bones may be gone, but that doesn't mean there isn't any more. Years after my adventure with John Silver, I discovered that a very special piece of treasure still lays hidden on the island along with other treasures. The treasure is called the Never Diamond, it's one of the most powerful gems of all, it can be used for both good and evil.

But that's why I'm sending you this, I recently discovered that a fearsome pirate is after the diamond, and we can't let that happen. So I'm counting on you to find that diamond, and protect it. If he gets his hands on it, we could all be in danger.

Your father

Chris couldn't believe what he just read, his father was sending him on a quest to Treasure Island to find the Never Diamond. Needing to tell his friends, he got up and headed off to find them. But when he turned around a corner, he suddenly bumped into Marissa causing him to drop the map and the letter.

"Watch it Hawkins!" she grunted.

"My bad" he replied as he tried to pick up his things when Marissa snatched them up first.

"What are these?" she asked while examining the map.

"That's none of your business" he frowned as he tried to take his things back but she pulled them away.

"Map of Treasure Island?" she gasped surprised "Well blow me down."

"Give it" he ordered as he tried to grab it but she kept pulling it away.

"Now what's this?" she questioned as she read the letter when she then gave a sneaky smile "Well would ye look at this. Dear old dad is sending ye on a quest to Treasure Island to find the Never Diamond. Ye know Jane Hook is doing thee same thing?"

"Seriously?" he replied surprised.

"She only wants thee diamond, but me, I'll take thee other treasure. So Christopher, I'm coming with ye."

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