Ch.43 Little secrets

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(Flashback) Still at sea and chained back up in the storage room, Chris laid his back against the wall and tried to get comfortable, but being in a storage room with no place to sleep, he was having a hard time as he groaned with frustration. Just then the door opened as Marissa came down the stairs holding a bun in her hand.

"Well-" Chris said with a hint of sarcasm "You finally decided to give me food huh?"

"Well considering that I need ye alive-" she replied as she tossed the bun at him "I'm not taking any chances."

"I guess I should be grateful for that" he shrugged as he took a bite of the bun "Whoa, where did you get this bun?"

"I baked it."

"Really?" he said astonished.

"Well, me father was a cook remember? He taught me how to cook."

"Well, you're pretty good at it."

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes as he gave a smirk "So, do ye know anything about the Never Diamond?"

"Not really, all I know is that I need to protect it from this pirate who wants it."

"Ye think thee pirate is looking for it right now?"

"Possibly, which is why I'm prepared for a fight in case it happens."

"Ye better be prepared, we don't know what to expect on this voyage."

"Maybe we'll run into the Flying Dutchman" he grinned.

"Oh please-" she grunted "There's no such thing."

"You don't know that for sure."

"I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, ye better rest, ye got to help me tomorrow."

"How can I rest in here?" he put in dully.

"Figure it out" she replied while heading out.

He gave a groan, wondering when he will ever get out.

By the time it was morning, everyone was awake as they went outside where a fire was being started. As they were preparing for the day, Aidan noticed that his siblings were still ignoring him, it had been too long and he had had enough, he needed to talk to them.

"Hey guys" he greeted as he went up to them.

But just as he expected, they ignored him.

"Come on guys" he groaned "You can't keep ignoring me forever, can we please put this away and move on?"

"It's been hard Aidan" Darling sighed "I mean when we were this close to losing our big brother, it changes you you know."

"Yeah but you guys didn't lose me."

"We could of" Terrence put in "And even though we didn't, we really thought you were better than that."

"Okay that's it" he declared with frustration "I've had enough of this, I can't stand you guys ignoring me, I already apologized and once again I feel awful. It was a big mistake not telling you guys, but can we just please move on from this, I miss having you guys talk to me."

Darling and Terrence could see the guilt in his eyes.

"You really mean it don't you?" Darling sighed.

"Does it look like I mean it?" he responded in an obvious tone.

"Very well-" Terrence sighed "We accept your apology."

"So... we're all cool then?"

"Well that depends-" Darling put in "You got any other dark secrets that we should know about?"

"Um..." he thought about it "I don't think so."

"You sure about that?"

"Pretty sure, all of my other secrets are just embarrassing."

Darling gave a small smile as she went up and wrapped her arms around him and into a hug.

"Don't ever scare us like that again okay?" she ordered.

"I wont" he promised as he hugged back.

After that Aidan and Terrence shook hands and also pounded their fists together. Now that he had finally settled things with his siblings, Aidan can finally relax.

"Okay everyone-" Peter announced as everyone listened "What are we doing today?"

"Hopefully stopping Pan once and for all" Elena replied.

"But we still don't know how we're going to do that" Olivia added disappointed.

"Can we just wait for Pan to attack and then use the box on him when he's not looking?" Courtly suggested.

"It's not as easy as it sounds Jester" Jane put in "Ye can try to sneak up on him, but he'll catch you before ye can even blink."

"Well in that case, we're screwed then."

"Hold on-" Chase spoke up "Does anyone know if Pan has any weaknesses?"

"Well, considering that Wendy said that Pan is pretty much fear-" Elena said "Maybe bravery is his weakness."

"I doubt that" Piper spoke up "Pan is more powerful than you think, I mean sure he's pretty much me and all but, I don't think he has any weaknesses like I do."

"How can you be so sure about that?" Ilene questioned with a concerned look "Everyone has at least one weakness, I'm sure Pan has one."

"And don't forget-" Peter added "Piper may not be able to harm his clone, but others can. So if Piper was to go against his clone, then I'm gonna have to agree with Elena and say that bravery is Pan's weakness."

"But what if I can't go against him?" Piper put in "What if someone else has to? What's gonna be Pan's weakness then?"

"Does silver have anything to do with evil clones?" Aidan offered "Or are those just for werewolves?"

"Seriously Aidan?" Darling said dully.

"What? I mean silver is for purity, so maybe it can like, burn Pan's skin or something."

"It wont do that Charming" a voice suddenly spoke as everyone turned to see Pan leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

"Silver may be pure-" he smirked "But it belongs in the supernatural category."

At that point Piper gave a growl as he tried to pull out his sword.

"Hold on Piper" Pan held his hand out "I'm not here to fight."

"Then what do you want?" Piper demanded "Because you're not killing my friends."

"Relax, I'm not going to kill them, not yet anyway. I wanna see how far you all go before I make my move, I wanna see how you all fail."

"Yeah like that's gonna happen" Piper doubted.

"You really think you can stop me?" Pan chuckled "Especially you Piper? Considering that you're full of fear and afraid to tell everyone your little secrets?"

Piper felt his heart drop.

"Piper what is he talking about?" Wendy asked with a concerned look.

"I'm not surprised he hasn't told you all" Pan smirked "I'll let him do the talking, see how much it hurts."

And with that he disappeared, leaving everyone staring at Piper who was now more scared than before.

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