Ch.40 Self hate

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it was due to the whole Hurricane Harvey crisis. (Hope everyone in okay though) I'll still try to update when I can

Still at the shore, Mira and David sat on boulders and waited for Meeshell when David spoke up.

"So you really think you'll be able to break this curse?" he asked.

"I know I can" she assured "Once again it's not as powerful as the one in Storybrooke, I should be able to do it."

"But, what if you can't?"

She sighed "I'm trying not to get negative now, right now we need to focus on stopping Pan, and getting the hell out of here."

At that point Meeshell poked her head out from the water.

"You got it?" Mira asked with interest.

She nodded as she swam to shore and pulled herself up onto a boulder. She then reached into her mermaid purse and pulled out Pandora's Box.

"Excellent" Mira smiled as she took the box "Thanks Meeshell."

"You all have a plan ready?" Meeshell asked.

"We do. And one more thing Meeshell, when you go back to Storybrooke, if we don't come back from Neverland within a week, tell Danny okay?"

"Will do" she promised.

"Thanks again."

Meeshell nodded as she dove back into the water. Now with Pandora's Box, Mira and David examined the item in her hands.

"So this can help get rid of Pan?" David questioned.

"It won't kill him-" she replied "But it can trap him. And it's the only thing we got that can save us all."

(Flashback) Feeling a throbbing pain on his head, Chris forced his weak body to wake up as he could feel himself laying on a hard wooden floor. Not knowing where he was was, he pulled himself up and once his vision cleared, he saw that he was in a storage room of a ship. But now only that, he noticed that his wrists were in shackles and were attached to the wall.

"Oh great" he grunted, remembering what had happened earlier.

Just then the door opened as Marissa entered and walked down the wooden stairs and up to him.

"Well-" she smirked "Glad to see yer awake."

"Is this really necessary?" he frowned.

"Ye pretty much wanted to go my way, big mistake by thee way."

"Where are we going?" he demanded.

"Why, Treasure Island of course" she smirked as she pulled out his map "Relax, once I have me treasure, you're free to go. But first, you're going to help me find the booty."

Chris sighed "It's always about treasure for you isn't it? Whenever you hear treasure, you just got to have it."

"That's pretty much the whole point Hawkins. Now, you're going to help me or what?"

"Well that depends-" he replied while holding up his wrists "Can I not be put in these?"

She didn't say anything, and thinking her answer was no, Chris watched as she pulled out her sword and raised it above him. Shielding himself with his arms, he waited for a strike, but instead he heard the sound of his chains breaking, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that his chains were indeed cut from the wall as Marissa put her sword away.

"Get up" she ordered.

Now free from his bonds but still a prisoner, Chris got up with a sigh.

"If I'm going to let ye walk around free-" she frowned "Then you're going to have to stay by me side, and if I catch ye trying to escape, it wont end well for you."

"Staying by a beautiful pirate girl?" Chris questioned himself with a smirk "I guess I can do that."

"Okay another thing-" she added while still frowning "Ye don't get to talk unless I allow ye."

He rolled his eyes, knowing that this was going to be a long journey.

After getting Pandora's Box, Mira and David were able t find their way to the Lost Boys campsite where everyone explained to them about what Tinkerbell had said.

"Oh my God" Mira gasped "So Pan really is planning on killing the Wonderlandians?"

"Apparently so?" Piper sighed.

"So do you have it?" Elena asked Mira.

"I do" she replied as she held up Pandora's Box.

"Pandora's Box?" Olivia questioned.

"Well it's empty now, and it seems like the perfect way to trap Pan."

"Okay but, how are we gonna do that without Pan seeing us?" Terrence put in.

"I would use my powers if they would frickin work" Amanda grunted.

"So what do we do then?"

"Well I suggest we get a fire ready" Piper suggested while looking up at the sky that was bringing in twilight "And once we do we'll figure something out."

As everyone split up while some stayed behind, the Charmings went a different direction, and Darling and Terrence were still ignoring their brother who followed behind as they gathered firewood.

"Look guys-" he spoke up with a sigh "I'm sorry about everything, but how long are you two gonna keep ignoring me?"

They said nothing as they walked ahead of him.

"You guys can't ignore me forever" he put in "Come on say something."

At that point Darling threw down her firewood and faced him with anger.

"You want me to say something?" she snapped "Fine. How could you keep this from us?! I thought you were better than that!"

"I'm sorry-".

"Sorry isn't going to help" Terrence cut in with anger "If you were dying we had the right to know!"

"I know and it was a mistake" Aidan agreed with guilt.

"What if Jane didn't make it in time?" Darling put in frustrated "How do you think we all would feel, not knowing that you were dying and it was too late? What were you thinking?"

Aidan stood there full of guilt as Darling's eyes began to water,

"I wasn't" he replied sadly "I just didn't want anyone to worry. I mean, we were all worried about finding our friends that I didn't want to cause an even bigger dilemma."

"Aidan-" Terrence spoke up "When your life is in danger, you tell us, no matter what."

"I know we went through a lot to find our friends" Darling said with tears in her eyes "But this would of been worse if you had died. Don't you remember how we almost lost Terrence? Ever since that night, I vowed myself to never let anything happen to our family. I wasn't going to lose Terrence, and I'm certainly not going to lose you."

She sniffed as she wiped her tears away.

"I'm glad you feel guilty" she told him "Because if you had died, we would of all felt guilty."

And with that she walked away as Terrence followed leaving Aidan behind not just full of guilt, but hate for himself.

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