Ch.19 Feared pirate

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After a while of going through the Neverwoods, everyone came to a stop in an empty spot as Jane put her sword away.

"We'll stop here for tonight" she ordered.

"What?" Elena questioned "What about the Native's camp?"

"It's too far, we'll make it in the morning, in the meantime, we set up camp here and a fire."

"Uh, I thought it's never wise to be out at night" Terrence put in.

"Well it's already late for that, we'll take turns guarding, now who wants to gather firewood. The quicker we get the fire started, the quicker we'll be safe."

"I guess I will" Chase offered.

"So will I" Darling added.

"Me too" David and Mira held up their hands.

"Very well" Jane said "The rest of you mateys will help set up everything."

As everyone went their separate ways, Olivia saw that Elena had on a sad look as she started to work on her sleeping spot.

"Hey" she went up to her "We'll find them."

Elena gave a sigh "Unless they die before we could make it."

"Hey don't say that, in case you forgot, the Wonderlandians have escaped death multiple times, they're a strong bunch. And I know that we're going to find them before death gets to them."

Elena gave another sigh, hoping that Olivia was right. Meanwhile, Darling and Chase went away from the group as they gathered some twigs and woods for the fire.

"You think Lauren and the others will be able to survive this?" Chase suddenly asked.

"I think so" Darling replied "I mean they've faced things worse than this, how could this be any different?"

"Well this isn't Wonderland, this is Neverland, and when I heard that it's more dangerous now, I just have this bad feeling in my gut that our friends aren't going to survive this."

"Hey, it doesn't matter if we're in Wonderland or not, danger is danger, but our friends are strong and clever. I know that they can survive this, because I believe in them."

He gave a sigh "I suppose you're right, I don't know what I was thinking."

He then went back to gathering wood when Darling noticed that he had a bit of a sad look on his face.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah" he assured "I'm just uh, worried."

"We all are" she sighed "But all we can do now is search and hope."

As they continued to search for wood, Darling tried to picked up a piece of wood near a hill, but when she did, she suddenly felt herself slip as she began to tumble down the hill.

"Darling!" Chase screamed as he tried to go after her, but he too felt himself began to tumble down the hill after her.

Both of them tried to grab onto whatever they can to stop their fall, but neither of them worked as they continued to go down the hill until they fell down a hole in the ground and into water with a splash. The coldness of the water sent chills through their skin as they were able to stand in the water that went up to their stomachs as they gasped for air.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked Darling.

"Yeah" she assured as she looked up "There just happens to be a random hole in the ground."

"Well it looks like we're in some kind of grotto" he put in as they looked around and saw that they were indeed in a grotto.

"Well we can't get out from where we came in" she put in "And I don't think anyone would be able to hear our calls."

"Then I guess we're gonna have to find another way out" he sighed as they started to walk through the water in search of a way out of the grotto.

(Flashback) Starting to run out of breath as he ran through the Neverwoods, all Slightly could think of was saving Piper before it was too late. When he finally made it to his campsite, everyone was already outside as he ran up to them.

"Guys!" he gasped as he started to pant with sweat dripping down his face.

"Slightly what's wrong?" Twin 1 asked.

"Piper-" he started to say, but he was so out of breath that he could barley get his words out "Piper-".

"What about Piper?" Twin 2 asked.

"Piper's been-" he panted as he tried to calm down.

"Calm down" Peter said "Piper's been what?"

"Piper's been-" Slightly panted as he forced his words out "Kidnapped."

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"These pirates took him" Slightly added as he started to get dizzy "Save him."

And with that he collapsed. Everyone stood there with shock as Peter flew off to find his son. Meanwhile, at the shore, Piper was forced to go aboard another pirate ship as he feared at what the pirates were planning on doing with him.

"What do you buccaneers want with me?" he demanded "If you're planning on killing me can you just do it right now to get it over with?"

"Oh no lad" the pirate replied "We got something better for ye."

And with that another pirate used the handle of his sword to bang it on Piper's head as he collapsed on the deck unconscious. The pirate then looked into the woods and could see Peter flying towards them.

"Ahoy Pan" he grinned as he pulled out his gun.

Peter flew as fast as he could towards shore where he saw the ship, and some of the pirates who were dragging an unconscious Piper away. He pulled out his knife and flew towards the ship, but the pirate had everything planned out. As soon as Peter was close enough, the pirate aimed his gun at him and fired as the bullet hit Peter's shoulder. Peter cried in a pain as he fell from the sky and into the water. The pirate gave a sneaky grin as the ship started to sail.

"Peter!" Wendy screamed as she and the Lost Boys made it to shore where they saw Peter with his hand on his shoulder as blood oozed out from his wound as he limped his way to the beach.

"Peter!" Wendy gasped as they helped him lay down on the sand "What happened?"

"Where's Piper?" Slightly asked with a worried look.

"They got away with him" Peter replied sadly as they all gasped.

"I tried to save him but this happen" he added while motioning his wound "He's gone."

Everyone stood there with shock as they felt their eyes widen.

"Who the hell took him?" Tootles wondered with sadness in his eyes.

"I know who" Peter replied with a stern look "I got a glimpse of his before he shot me. It's the most feared pirate ever to exist... Blackbeard."

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