𝙲𝚑 ₁₂ 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚓𝚊 𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚊

Start from the beginning

(Outfit at the top, it was the best I could find that matched Leafeon)

I twirl in my new outfit and smile. I place a jeweled Shaw and some cute green ninja anklets on Leafeon and she cries out happily. I place the Shaw over my head so that it hides my identity and look at my poke gear to find this village.

We walk into the cave and I see the boulder in front of us is a false entrance. I make a quick call to the Sensei I know in Jhoto to call the chief in Ninja Village to let me in. It takes about twenty minutes but they finally let me in and greet me politely. They lead me to Chief Hanzo and I bow to him.

"It's an honor to meet you." I say.

"Such greet manners, it's nice to meet you as well Champion Olivia." Chief says.

"I learned about the festival, and wanted to know if it was possible if I can participate?" I ask nervously but hide it well as I clear my throat.

"Well from what I have heard about you, is that you have learned well in the ninja ways, so my answer is yes." He says.

"Thank you Chief Hanzo." I bow. Maybe this will keep my mind occupied, and I won't think of the gang. I sigh and pull off my Shaw walking to one of the elderly man that is putting up a post and helping him steady it to which he smiles gratefully and thanks me.

Leafeon and I help the village folk decorate and some introduce themselves to me. Nihei is really cute and very sweet. I spent most of my time here helping him out. His brother comes and tells him that his other brother arrived with his friends and he leaves shortly, but promises to return, after the small reunion. I put up a few lanterns with the help of Braixen and Leafeon. My body freezes as I hear familiar voices. I place my Shaw back on my head and look back to see the gang there.

Nihei, walks towards me and introduces his brother and the gang, but I keep my head down and just wave. Nihei suggests that I battle his little brother to see if he has grown any stronger and I stutter out an answer but he just pushes me towards the middle of the village announcing the battle. I sigh and nods towards Leafeon who nods, walking in front of me ready for battle. I'm lucky that the gang hasn't noticed me, but Ash is giving me weird looks, which makes me keep my head down.

I nod towards Sanpei to make the first move. "Okay Greninja use Double team!" He shouts. Greninja runs at us at full speed turning into a dozen Greninja. I smirk and clasp my hands together focusing.

I was able to master mindlink in Jhoto when I studied with the ninjas there. Now the gang won't know it's me by my voice since I'm not talking.

"Leafeon use Frenzy plant." I say to her.

She nods and stomps her feet on the ground and dozens of vines appear from the ground getting rid of all the fake clones and the real one jumps above us.

"Magical Leaf." I say.

Leafeon lets out magical leaf. "Quick use water Shuriken!" Sanpei says, looking a little frustrated. Both moves clash and it creates smoke.

"Use night slash!" Sanpei yells.

"Counter it with Leaf blade." I say.

"How is she doing that?" Bonnie asks.

"Maybe she's a real skilled ninja?" Serena says unsure.

"Whatever it is...it's awesome!" Ash says amazed.

"It definitely has Sanpei on edge since he doesn't know what move she might come up with." Clemont says.

"Let's keep going Greninja use Night slash." Sanpei shouts.

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