Chapter 1:- Meeting the Protector.

Start from the beginning

"Jazz, man come on. She's giving us a get away. Come on." Emmett says.

"I'm not leaving her. She was trying to protect us. She's got a cub we need to help her." I say to Emmett looking at the wolf. By now it was the white wolf fighting against 3 wolves. We heard a set of pounding feet and seen a small grey wolf running towards the white wolf. The little wolf started helping the white wolf. Me and Emmett started running back to the house. I was going to see if anyone will came and help me save the white wolf. When we got to the house I could hear Alice whispering to the little cub who I could hear crying.
Me and Emmett went into the house and as soon as we walked in the little cub stopped crying for a minute until it realized we was on our own.
"Jazz, Em. Where's the white wolf? The cub won't stop crying?" Alice asks.

"We've left it there. Sam was talking to her about a cub. Then he attacked her. She must be a shifter. The wolves was attacking her and she pushed us away. I wasn't going to come, I couldn't let her get killed. Before she knew it was the wolves she stepped in front of us to protect us. We need to go help her." I say.

"Ok. Why should we help a shifter. They're our enemies." Edward says.

"She's not Edward. You can see in my thoughts. She was protecting us and her baby cub. We have to help her. She's not like them." Alice says.
Edward nodded his head after a minute.
"Ok. Show us where the fight is Jasper." Carlisle says.

I showed them the way to the wolf fight. When we got there, it was empty. There was only a few broken branches and a little blood on the floor.

"Try to have a look around everyone. If its a shifter, if its injured I will be able to help it." Carlisle says.
We split up and went in different directions. I took to the right side. I followed the blood trail and after a few minutes I seen the white wolf laying on the floor whining and howling quietly. I started walking towards it and it started growling until it turned around and seen me.

"Are you hurt?" I ask.
The white wolf stumbled to stand up but fell back down. It whined and nodded its head.

"Do you mind if I get my father who is a doctor to help you?" I asked.
The wolf nodded its head and whined. I shout for Carlisle and within a few seconds the family is here.
"Is it ok?" Carlisle asks.

"No, she's tried standing and walking but she just fell back down." I said.
Carlisle nodded his head and started walking towards the wolf. The wolf started growling at Carlisle. Edward walked over to help but she also growled at him.
"Can I come over to you? I'm a doctor and I can help you. I'm not going to hurt you. Can I come over to check you over?" Carlisle asks the wolf.
The wolf nods her head and Carlisle starts walking over to her. When Carlisle got near to her, he held his hand out to her nose to stroke her. She sniffed his hand and let him stroke her. She didn't scrunch up her nose because we smell bad. When Carlisle started checking the wolf out Edward started walking forwards and the wolf growled at him. She wouldn't let Edward go near her. Esme tried and the wolf didn't mind Esme going near her. Esme stroked her while Carlisle checked her over.

"I'm going to have to take you back to ours. You need a few stitches and rest that's all and your cub." Carlisle says.
The wolf nods her head and goes to stand again, she manages to stand up but as soon as she went to walk she fell down again. She started to whine in pain. "Would you mind if I carried you to the house. I'll be gentle. I won't hurt you Wolfie." I say.
Wolfie nods her head and I slowly walk over to her and pick her up. I follow the others to the house and walk in. I walk to the living room and put the wolf on the floor. As soon as I lay the mother wolf on the floor the cub comes over and nips the big wolves ear. I think the cub wants to play but the mother wolf just lays there.
"Are you a shifter?" I ask, when everyone is sat down. The wolf nods her head.
"Can you phrase back for us. It will help me look after you better. I'm a doctor, not a vet." Carlisle says a bit angry that he has to help her.
The wolf growls a little bit. She tries to get up again and she stands. She moves her foot and falls down. She whines again. She stands again and this time she moves. Shes takes one step.
When she manages to walk more she walks over to Alice and nudges her arm. Alice strokes her and she purrs. After Alice strokes her she moves over to Rose. Rose does the same and then Wolfie stands in front of Esme she does the same to Esme and Esme strokes her too.
When she's finished with Esme she goes over to Emmett. Emmett strokes her but she moves her head and lookers at me. She doesn't even move to come over to me. She just keeps glancing at me. I can sort of feel her emotions but there not strong. She picks up her cub by the neck and limps out the door.
We turn around and just watch her leave. She can't leave she's hurt. I run at vampire speed and stand in front of her.
"Your injured Wolfie, you can't just leave. Wait until your better." I say.
The wolf looks back at me with sad eyes. Why is she sad? What's wrong with her? She got hurt after trying to protect us. So we need to help her.
"Please, stay. Don't leave yet." I say.

The wolf protector. (A Bella and Jasper love story.)Where stories live. Discover now