I almost flinched at how tense and angry her voice was becoming.

"Katrina-!" "Don't interrupt me," she snapped, interrupting Garry. "You two shouldn't be trying to run off so soon and you shouldn't be trying to hide it from Lyra! Have neither of you learned how much you affect her? No, I didn't think so!"

"Oh s-shut up, Kitty cat!" Charlie snapped, growling. "Who gives you the right to talk like that? I know you're still depressed with everything that happened before but-!"

"The last person I need to hear that is from you!" Katrina retorted. She then groaned. "You both need to sit tight at least a few more days, unless you want Miles to comfort her."

Connor snarled and I heard a banging on a table. "You have nerve bringing him up again."

"Clearly you aren't worried if she goes to Miles for comfort. Lonely mates will do anything to get the affection they want and need," Katrina sneered.

I couldn't take anymore. I needed a way out, but I didn't know how to make one. I slowly shrunk further, thankful that the crowd was tall and I was just blending in. The door was shut and would undoubtedly make noise if I tried to pass through it.

As if the gods had heard my silent bewilderment, someone opened the front door and announced, "Clear out, a few elders are approaching!"

The next thing I knew, I was being knocked about as I tried to look for an exit.

I was being pushed and shoved, barely able to look up in fear of being spotted. When someone grabbed my wrist, I knew it was over.

When I looked up, I was surprised to find it being Justin who grabbed my wrist.

He quickly helped me out of the pub through the backdoor, escaping into the woods.

I was continuously yanked and pulled further and further into the woods by him, and only when I tripped and fell did he stop. I stumbled to get back up, only for Justin to help me to my feet. Breathless, I looked up at him or a shadow really. I could barely see the outline of his body, save his glowing white eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly. I smiled weakly, knowing he could see it. "I... I wish I had never followed you guys.."


"Justin... why can't they trust me?"

"I don't know," he admitted, holding me to him as he rubbed the back of my head; a gesture I had never felt from him before. I stifled a sob, finding comfort in his head rubbing.

"But you trust me?" I asked, unsure of what he'd say. I knew for a while that Justin had always seemed not to care for me, let alone humans in general.

"....I'd be a fool not to at this point. Those boys really are lucky to have you."

I frowned a little, looking up at him in confusion. He gave the slightest of chuckles before backing away and grabbing my hand again. "Let's get you home."

I nodded, smiling softly as he walked with me through the snow and towards the brothers' home.


We got home mere minutes before they did. Because I wouldn't have had enough time to get undressed and pretend everything was okay, I decided to stay out, regardless of how long I thought it might've taken them to get back.

I was sitting on a rock while Justin padded about in his wolf form, when I heard a few twigs snap.

I tilted my head to the right and held back from shrinking when the brothers stared at me with their faintly glowing eyes. Connor then looked at Justin and asked, "Why is she out? And why are you here?"

The Imprinted Maiden (18+)Where stories live. Discover now