Chapter 34

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I get up from our circle, glaring at carter, and walk out the door waiting for Matt and Taylor.
Once they get out, I immediately walk next to Matt. "I can't believe Carter's doing this to me!" I whine, trying to whisper so Taylor doesn't hear me.
"Maybe he's trying to help you guys.." Matt tries reasoning.
I sigh walk faster until we get to one of the guys rooms.
"Lets get this over with." I sigh and quickly walk into the room.
Matt and Taylor follow, and I automatically set a timer for 30 minutes.
"So... What do we do now...?" I ask.
"Lets play another game!" Matt shouts excitingly.
"Anything as long as its not truth or dare." I reply.
"How about I never..." Matt says.
We all agree on I never and start playing with bottles of water.
"Since Matt chose I never, he'll start, I guess..." I announce.
"Ok..." Matt replies. After a moment of thinking he gets a adorable, weird look on his face and says, "I never had feelings for a different gender."
No one takes a sip so I decide to go next. Before I could say anything, Taylor interrupts me and coldly says, "I never lead someone on.". After that he glares at me.
I frown and say, "Taylor, there wasn't anything going on between us..."
"Really? Cause before I brought you to magcon, I thought there was something going on between us." Taylor shoots back.
I recall the night of Taylor taking me out and finally kissing me. It was short and sweet.
I couldn't think of anything to say.
So I did the only thing I know.
I ran.
I quickly got up and ran out the door.

I'm awful at writing drama 😂
QOTC: Do any of you have a 'magcon' fanfic? *i don't know what to call this fandom anymore #thanksbart *
AOTC: your kinda reading it so yeah... 😂

Can it be?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora