Chapter 31

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Matt and I walk up to our hotel room together, holding hands.
When I unlock the door, since Matt forgot his key, everyone from magcon was in there freaking out.
"Where were you 2?" Bart yells.
"We we're just talking a walk..." I whisper, stuttering.
"Well you can't just leave magcon Matt! Hundreds of people pay money just to see you and how do you think they felt when their idol, who was suppose to be there, wasn't there!?!"
"I'm sorry but I wasn't going to leave Haily while she was running away in tears." Matt replies calmly.
Bart sighs and says, "Dont ever let it happen again Matt."
After that everyone leaves our room except for Taylor and Carter since us 4 share a room.
All is were standing there awkwardly standing there until Taylor goes, "Haily... Were you actually crying?"
"Uhm yes... but it's all good now since Matt came and everything..." I reply trying to rush an explanation so he would stop questioning me.
"Why'd you leave me?" Taylor asks, looking straight into my eyes.
I could tell he didnt mean leaving magcon, but coming in with Matt.
"That doesn't concern you..." I reply.
Hurt fills his eyes, and I could tell things between us wouldn't be the same anytime soon.

I'm finally home 😋 Most of you know I was at a competition and I did end up getting 5th and 7th place so yaysie 😋
20+ comments for me to start a new chapter !!! Comment what you thinks going to happen next!!

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