Chapter 3

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After taylor and i had started talking, I felt like i could really trust him for some reason. We eventually decided to hang out his house and thats when I finally decided to tell him about my step-dad.

"So taylor... can i ummm tell you something?" I carefully question.

"You can tell me anything." taylor replied.

"So...ummm... you know how at the diner, the day we met?" i start.

"Of course I remember, thats the day i met the most beautiful girl ever." Taylor smirked.

I let out a nervous laugh and think "wait did taylor really call me beautiful?" and then I continue, "Well remember how when we bumped, you saw that umm giant bruise?"

Taylor nodded and i continue, "Well, I ummm sorta lied on how I got it... I never tripped and fell on my arm..."

"Well then what really happened? Did you get in a fist fight?" taylor joked.

"No...." i start, "my stepdad did it to me" i whisper.


After Haily told me her stepdad did that to her, i froze. I couldn't imagine anyone hurting someone so beautiful and down-to-earth.

"How long...How long has he been hurting you Haily?"

She looks up at me with her green eyes and quietly says, "since he married my mom..."



Today was the day my moms getting married, and I was surprisingly excited. I've never seen my mom so happy since my dad died. After the wedding ceremony and we were going home, my mom went straight to bed because she was really tired.

Before my stepdad went into their room he came into mine. he comes in and said, "I can't believe you messed up our entire wedding!" he growled in my face. i was really frightened because all that happened was that I was a moment late walking down the aisle.

I was to stunned to reply and thats when he slapped my face and said, "If you ever screw up again, your going to hurt a lot more!" And with that he left leaving me crying alone in my room.



"How old we're you?" taylor quietly said.

"I was 12..." I replied



I tried updating today

1) cause i was off school

2) i might not be able to update Saturday...

And I was thinking on how to update more often because it takes me like an hour to write these, so i think I have it figured out so be prepared for more updates :)

Can it be?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat