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Hey guys, I'd just like to spread awareness about some things.  There are starting to be some serious haters around here that are targeting and bashing certain users without reason and I want to get it out there that it is not cool at all. 

We are all a Total Drama community and there are not that many of us believe it or not.  We need to stick together, yes even Gwuncan and Scottney fans.  Look, we don't have to agree or anything, but can we please just be respectful to one another?  I've gotten comments like "fuck you" or "you don't know what you're talking about" or "you're so full of shit" and so on.  What is the purpose of that?  Our society is already so filled with hate, and most of us log onto Wattpad as an escape.  Why spread the hate on here?  We need to be respectful and considerate to everyone's opinions.  Sure comments can be random or sarcastic or whatever you want, but don't spread hate or cuss out specific usernames.  Explain yourself and be up for debate, but don't hate on each other and suggest things like "I am so done with you and you're not worth my time so go fuck yourself, peace out."  NOTHING ABOUT THAT IS OKAY!!!!!

Everyone has different viewpoints.  Everyone sees things differently.  Everyone has different backstories.  Everyone has their own reasons.  Let's be respectful of that and not hypocritical towards it.  We must join together and be considerate and kind to one another.  This is an escape to find people in similar situations with similar interests, so let's not ruin that with petty arguments and comments.  It's horrible and really fires me up.  It is not okay for people to go after each other like this for no reason.  These types of situations are practically cyberbullying.  Do we want cyberbullying?  No, I don't think we do, so let's set an example and not spread this kind of hatred and cruelty towards each other.  We are a Total Drama, a Wattpad, family!

Regardless of what religion, gender, race, sexuality, political stance, or whatever, we need to share our opinions in a respectful manner and be kind and courteous with each other.  This is crucial for the betterment of our society.  If we don't help be a part of the solution now, who knows what could happen next.  Will there be more suicides?  Will there be more World Wars?  We don't want that! 

Please, take these words into consideration and be considerate to one another.  Debate is different from bashing, insulting, and bullying.  Let's keep that in mind. 

Also, I'd like to say that I am deeply sorry if I have offended or attacked any of you.  I do not mean to and hope you can forgive me.  I try my very best to be respectful to opinions and hope you all give me the same respect.  Keep in mind this is a rant book. 

Thank you for listening,

fellaway :) 💙💙💙

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