Heather x Justin

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     Another stupid crack ship. I hate this ship too.  There were barely any interactions or attractions between these two.  Just because Heather is the Queen Bee and Justin is like this pretty boy model, doesn't mean that they'd go together.  I feel like if they were in a relationship, it would just be a sham for paparazzi.  Justin is too stupid for Heather, honestly.  This ship was just assumed and I hate it.  Heather belongs with Alejandro who actually has a brain. Also, Heather is like a hardcore antagonist and I have no idea why people would even think Justin to be an antagonist. Saying that Justin is an antagonist would be calling Dakota an antagonist. He just wants to look good on camera and if he also wins a million dollars, so be it. These two wouldn't work, and Heather wouldn't stoop that low for Justin. Heather has got some PRETTY HIGH STANDARDS ya know. Justin wouldn't make the cut. Alejandro and Heather are a BILLION times better than whatever people think this is. Basically this pairing is stupid, I hate it, and it would never happen based on who these two characters are.

(I mean like seriously, there are literally NO pictures of them that aren't fanart besides the one above!!!)

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