Lightning x Jo

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     No!  Hell no.  I do not ship these two at all!  They always fight and insult one another, and not in a cute flirty way.  On top of all that, LIGHTNING THOUGHT THAT JO WAS A GUY!!  I love Lightning and all, but that was pretty stupid.  Jo was clearly a girl.  I just don't ship this at all.  They're much better off with other people anyways.  Also, I like Lightning way more than Jo, I really dislike Jo to be honest, so I don't want Jo with Lightning.  Anyways they used each other to get ahead in the game and not in an awesome antagonistic love story kind of way, but an annoying obvious dislike for each other and I'm going to blindside you so badly kind of way.  I just don't see this as a well thought out ship.  It's pretty stupid and I really just hate it. 

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