Courtney x Scott

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            Might as well do this one now lol. 

     I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE SCOTT AND COURTNEY AS A COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THEY WERE HORRIBLE.  SCOTT IS WAY TOO STUPID TO MATCH COURTNEY'S STANDARDS ON GUYS!  HELL, SCOTT ISN'T EVEN CUTE!  WHY THE WRITERS THREW THAT INTO COURTNEY'S DIALOGUE IS BEYOND ME!  What's even better is that Courtney never wanted to vote Duncan off when they were a thing, but she made A FUCKING LIST FOR WHEN SCOTT WOULD GET THE BOOT (or flush hahaha) AND EVEN DREW HIM TO LOOK LIKE A RAT!?!!!!!!  I CLEARLY GET VERY WORKED UP ABOUT THIS ONE LOL.  I love Courtney and Scott is nowhere near her type whatsoever.  Whether or not he's supposed to be "antagonistic", he's still gotta have a brain for Courtney to even truly consider him.  I have absolutely no idea what the writers were thinking!  At least they broke up within like 24 hours YAY HAHAHAHAHHAAHA!!!  Luckily it didn't last long because it was horrible.  Courtney belongs with Duncan, not Scott and Scott is better off with Dawn not Courtney.  I absolutely hate this ship with a passion and believe it should have never even been a consideration.  This ship deserves to burn and lose all credibility.  Hence the reason why I decided to choose the picture above for this pairing...

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