Heather x Alejandro

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     Another ship! My second favorite ship after Duncney!!!  Heather and Alejandro, the BEST adversaries Total Drama has ever seen!  They are absolutely perfect for each other. Both are completely ruthless when playing the game, but the best part is how they always stick to the code of "not letting relationships and friendships get in the way of the game" and whenever it came to one another their relationship ALWAYS GOT IN THE WAY OF THE GAME!!! Alejandro wondering where Heather's boat was in New York. Alejandro being missing in London.  Heather being trapped under a rock in a hole in Drumheller, Alberta.  And so many more examples!  They always made sure to watch out for each other, even though they claimed they "hated" one another.  Even when their competitiveness got in the way, they still clearly respected and liked each other.  Alejandro's constant flirting tended to distract Heather in only a way someone's crush could.  Heather's well apparently everything distracted him as well in the same manner.  In season five, their love/hate relationship continued.  I love Suckers Punched because Alejandro defeats his brother, Jose, for one reason only.  The fact that Jose insulted Heather.  Alejandro's final punch that won the villains a point was, "And this is for calling any aspect of Heather UNATTRACTIVE!"  I just love how obvious their crushes on one another are.  Also when Chris says, "And now we all know how Alejandro really feels about Heather."  Oh!  And in the bonus clips, THEY BOTH END UP IN THE YUKON!  It's so amazing.  One second they're fawning over each other, the next they're at each other's throats.  Heather and Alejandro are just so made for each other and I love this couple SO MUCH, second to Duncan and Courtney of course.  Their story is truly just filled with so much love and drama and competitiveness and humor.  Just perfect and I love it. 


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