Courtney x Tyler

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     I'm pretty positive that no one actually ships these two, but hell it's better than Courtney and Scott regardless.  Why on earth would Courtney flirt with Tyler?  Sure she was trying to make Duncan jealous, but flirting with Tyler?!? Tyler is in a committed relationship! Everyone knows that!!  At least Tyler didn't flirt back.  Good old Tyler confused and devoted to Lindsay.  The whole "babe olympics" thing isn't worth it, Tyler!  Regardless WTF COURTNEY?!?  Poor Tyler though.  Always getting played or pushed around.  crazycatladymeow for the Tyler Appreciation Book lol.  In the end this was another stupid decision made on the writer's part and where is the logic that Courtney wouldn't flirt with Tyler because of what had just recently happened to her?  It doesn't make sense!  Anyone with eyes or an IQ of at least 7 could see that he and Lindsay have a serious relationship.  She'd just remembered his name!!!  Damn you writers.  At least try to think of a reasonable way for Courtney to get revenge.  As reasonable as getting revenge on your cheating ex as you can get I guess lol.  In all seriousness Courtney would destroy him.  Tyler wouldn't be able to handle her.  Besides, they're not each other's types. 

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