So many tags dang y'all

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Tagged by EAHForever13 I promise to upload some actual Total Drama stuff after these freaking tags lol.

1.  Favorite book character

So so many.  This question is impossible.  Some people from any Tolkien book, Lauren Myracle book, or from Dorothy Must Die.

2.  Least favorite book character

Gale and President Coin from Hunger Games. Also some people from Dorothy Must Die. lol I dislike a lot of characters just like how I love a lot. It's hard to keep them all straight lol!

3. Favorite Villain

From a book? All of them? I love villains/antagonists!

4. Favorite princess

Megara always Meg, but if she doesn't count then either Jasmine, Belle, or Rapunzel.

5. Favorite genre

Fiction, fantasy, humor, science-fiction, adventure, romance, ALL EXCEPT NONFICTION I HATE NONFICTION!!

6. Least favorite genre

Well uh it's nonfiction obviously 😂😂😂

7. Favorite book

Psych's Guide to Crimefighting for the Totally Unqualified, How to be Bad, anything by Tolkien or Lauren Myracle. I like Raina Telgemeier's graphic novels especially Drama. Danielle Paige's books are great too.

8. Any questions for your fave author?

Um how did you do it? How do you get past writer's block? I love you!

9. Which do you prefer? Reading or writing?

I love both equally.

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