Weird Ships With Katie, Noah, and Dawn (etc)

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     Okay, so many people ship Katie, Noah, and/or Dawn with a lot of other characters. 

Noah x Katie- why?  Did they really even interact?  Not really!  Well, in the Playa Des Losers they did.  It makes no sense and I ship Noah and Izzy anyways.

Katie x DJ- another why.  Makes even less sense because they interacted even less than Noah and Katie.  Also DJ is better than that.

Dawn with everybody- no.  Quit shipping Dawn with everyone.  If they're not even on the same season, it makes zero sense like they don't even know of the other's existence.  B and Dawn could be realistic or maybe a few others in ROTI, but I ship Dott sorta. 

Katie x Trent- i mean it is more likely but NO GWENT FOREVER

Sadie with the same people-no.  Why?

Look Katie and Sadie are dumber put together than Lindsay like they have a lower combined IQ than Lindsay.  Honestly they'd be better with Justin too, but Blaineley.  Ya know what they can have a four way.  They all suck lol. 

These crack ships are absolutely ridiculous and I don't ship them. 

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