Heather x Trent

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     I realized that I haven't done this "ship" yet.  Also, I really hope no one ships these two. If you do, I think something is wrong with you and you need to rethink your live choices...lol jk, but seriously this is so wrong. I mean look at Trent's face above! The whole Heather and Gwen rivalry caused this kiss to happen and it was awful. Probably the one thing I hate that Heather did. That was too far. Also WTF TRENT?!? Why didn't Trent stop her?! Like WTF!!!!! He's supposed to be all over Gwen!!  Shouldn't he have stopped Heather's false and ill intended advancements towards him?  So as to not create a rift between he and the person he's supposed to love!?!?  I don't understand that logic either.  I mean it's on the same plane as the Duncan and Gwen kiss.  I hate this scene so so so so so much.  Watching the season, it's actually odd how many interactions Heather and Trent have, either him defending Gwen (yay) or him being a peer mediator/the voice of reason. I think the event of the kiss never should have happened like honestly it was so bad and ruined Heather a lot. Heather needs to be with Alejandro and Trent DEFINITELY needs to be with Gwen. End of story.

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