Alejandro x Bridgette/Leshawna

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I would assume that no one actually ships this, but if they do, send help

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I would assume that no one actually ships this, but if they do, send help. Bridgette has a boyfriend!! So what the hell, Bridge? That was so against her character! Why did they have to flirt and kiss UGH?!!??!!  I hated that scene so much.  Honestly she deserved to get stuck to that pole.  I love Bridgette, but NO WE DO NOT DO THAT!!!  It shouldn't have been Total Drama World Tour it should've been Total Drama Cheating Tour.  EVERYONE CHEATED ON TOTAL DRAMA!!  Or tried to.  I don't even understand how you even cheat on a person, but that's besides the point.  Bridgette and Alejandro never should have happened.  I mean poor Geoff!!  It was so shitty of Bridgette to do!  By that point they'd been together for like a year or two!  Ugh what the hell.

Then we have Leshawna and Alejandro's half flirtationship

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Then we have Leshawna and Alejandro's half flirtationship.  Leshawna is literally so much better than that!  Since when does she fall for a guy like Alejandro?!?  She didn't even let Harold go out with her, yet she's gonna be all over Alejandro.  Geez she lost her mind and her character.  (I also hated when she knocked Heather's teeth out, but whatever.)  She should've listened to Heather.  THEY ALL SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HEATHER!!!  When it comes down to it, if everyone had just listened to Heather from Action-World Tour, HALF OF THEIR PROBLEMS WOULDNT BE PROBLEMS!!!  Gwen and Trent.  Gwen and Duncan.  Gwen and Courtney.  Bridgette and Alejandro.  Leshawna and Alejandro.  Courtney and Alejandro.  Courtney and Duncan.  Maybe even some Tyler things.  Oh and DJ.  E T FREAKING C!!!  Literally none of it would have been a problem if they'd listened to Heather.  I mean think about it guys.  ANYWAYS at least Leshawna and Alejandro didn't kiss.  That would've been revolting.  Plenty of other kisses on the show were revolting *cough Gwuncan cough Scottney cough cough*. 

In the end it was completely against Bridgette and Leshawna's characters and made for really shitty behavior, not to mention the poor hearts of Geoff and Harold.  (Alejandro and Heather's too honestly...)  It's so not cool.  AND THEIR FACES SHOULD LOOK LIKE THAT WHEN THEY HAVE OTHER GUYS!!!  THEY ALREADY HAVE LOVE INTERESTS!!!  ESPECIALLY BRIDGETTE!  Why writers must you ruin everything that was perfect why?!?

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