Original vs New

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     The casts.  The original cast plus Sierra and Alejandro were all AMAZING!  All of my favorite characters are part of the original cast.  The Revenge of the Island cast and the Pahkitew Island cast in my opinion were all just so boring.  Zoey and Mike were just bland and "nice" so not a lot of drama there.  Sky and Dave were practically Zoey and Mike.  Boring and nice.  It's called TOTAL DRAMA not Total Blandness!  The antagonists were much better in the original cast as proven by the Heroes vs Villains teams in All Stars. Scott was just an annoying idiot, to me, who wanted to win. Sorry, but Scott really annoyed me. He threw challenges on purpose. Who does that? (Besides Courtney, but I would've too to get rid of the boyfriend stealer. Technically she wanted to win challenges until she wanted someone gone, because when she wants someone gone, they go...) Lightning? He just badly wanted to impress his father. I actually liked Lightning, he was SHA-hilarious! He was good at the game, but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, ya know? Jo was okay. Personally, I didn't like her, but she was a better antagonist than Scott. Sometimes she was actually pretty funny. But for Pahkitew Island, the antagonist thing was kinda crappy. Max? Really? He really just reminded me of Dexter's Lab. LOL. Scarlett, I liked Scarlett. She was pretty cool and extremely intelligent and I think that she could've won had she not exposed her dark side that soon. Amy and Samey? In my opinion they were equally evil. But not awesome Total Drama antagonist evil, more like crappy girls with everything evil. Amy didn't like Samey and Samey didn't like Amy. They both wronged each other. But, I can get into that later I guess lol. In addition, the original cast consisted of a lot more characters. There were more contestants on the first three seasons than on the other two.  With the original cast all the drama was entertaining and different, but with the new cast the drama wasn't as dramatic and was pretty much the same old thing and boring.  Not just the drama, but the characters and their labels got more boring and basic too.  Basically I love the original cast a lot more, but I don't mind the newer casts they're just not as great and never could be as the originals.

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