Dawn x Scott

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     Specially requested by Girlygirl805 !

Here's where things get even weirder with me.  I SHIP DOTT OKAY I REALLY DO!  Except, I hate Scott and I love Dawn.  Personally I think Dawn is too good for Scott, but they're great together.  There's a bit of understanding between them.  The fanart for these two is AMAZING!  They are really cute together and I love how many little moments they were given.  I was really ticked when Scott tricked everyone to vote her off though, but I can move past it, probably.  Farm boy and aura reading nature girl?  It's a good pairing.  It's a BILLION TIMES BETTER THAN SCOTTNEY OMG I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE SCOTTNEY!!!  Dott is cool though.  I ship it, but I just really hate Scott and I really love Dawn.  That's the major problem, but I don't ship them with anyone else.  They're good together and needed a hell of a lot more screen time.  The writers could have done so much with these two, but they blew their chance!  I hope that maybe we'll see more of these two in the future, but unfortunately, it's unlikely that that'll ever happen.  So yeah I ship it, I just can't stand Scott lol.

  So yeah I ship it, I just can't stand Scott lol

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