Chris McLean vs Don

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I loved Chris McLean. I think that he's a much better host than Don, but I have nothing against Don either. Chris just had this pizazz to his hosting and that laugh of his was so awesome. He liked to torture his contestants and he was absolutely hilarious! Don is basically just more normal and a lot like actually hosts in real life. Also, he seemed to care more about the contestants' wellbeing and safety unlike Chris which I found a little boring.  Don just doesn't possess the charm that Chris has/had. However, I feel that Chris was kind of ruined in Pahkitew Island. His character was less entertaining and more...strange... Don though will never be able to compare to Chris in seasons one through five-ish. Don is perfect for Ridonculous Race and Chris is perfect for Total Drama. (However I think Chris would do an amazing job on RR, but we'll let Don stay as host for that lol!)  Overall Don could never compare to Chris.  I love Chris!  He's the bomb lol!!!  Don't get me wrong though, I like Don, but he's no Chris McLean...
(Also, is it just me or does Don look like AN OLDER VERSION OF TOPHER?!😱😱)
(What's better than a huge conspiracy theory about Don/Topher trying to steal Chris's spotlight??????...bum...bum...BAAAA!!...)

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