Sierra x Cody

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Sierra and Cody! The fangirl and the nerdy failing ladies man.

     To be entirely honest, I have no idea whether I ship this or not.  Sierra is obsessed with him!  She's his creepy fangirl stalker.  Sierra steals his clothes!  More specifically, his underwear!  She also uses his toothbrushes!  How disgusting!  I did not like the love tea thing she did to Cody at all. Sierra practically tortured Cody throughout the entire show! I always felt really bad for him. They had some cute moments though. I liked them as friends. I could see it happening in the future if Cody just gets used to her and slowly starts to develop feelings for her in return. I see it happening, but I'm still unsure if I approve of this ship or not. Also, if Sierra is so obsessed and in love with Cody, then WHY THE FUCK DID SHE START GOING AFTER CAMERON!!! THAT PRACTICALLY COUNTS AS HER CHEATING ON CODY!!! If the whole point of her character was showing full devotion towards Cody, they shouldn't have made her go after Cameron. Cameron and Cody are nothing alike whatsoever. Not appearance wise or personality wise. It was just really stupid for Sierra to go after Cameron when she was supposedly so clearly hopelessly devoted to Cody. (lol I hope I got that song stuck in all of your're welcome) So, basically I'm just unsure about whether or not I ship these two together.

     To be clear since many take this the wrong way:

I understand the Camcody situation and that it was a psychotic hallucination, but my point still stands.  It was uncalled for and basically I have no clue what the writers of All Stars were thinking!

Also, I do ship them, BUT not hardcore and I don't suggest that stalking is an appropriate strategy for liking someone.  I like them together and their moments as long as the crazy isn't taken too far because that's unhealthy. 

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