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Am I the only person who thought she'd return back to normal? I sincerely believed that she wouldn't be a mutant indefinitely. Dakota before she transformed had a pretty good role, one you either loved or hated. She was the daddy's girl, fame monster, paparazzi driven fame seeker. She wanted back on the show and got back on, as an intern. (Which was hilarious to me.) Why would Dakota of all people be the one to turn mutant though? Even though she was an intern that had to deal with challenges and the island, everyone else that was exposed to the toxicity remained at least somewhat normal.  It was just like really odd and I thought it was funnier when Dakota was just a tortured intern, but whatever.  Then with the Sam thing, it got even weirder, but I'm sure people liked that, but I found it extremely unrealistic.  (I'm not saying that Total Drama is supposed to be realistic, I mean the end of World Tour proved that for sure lol!)  Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this but, I just thought the whole thing after Dakotazoid happened was very odd and weird even for Total Drama apparently. 

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