Duncan x Heather

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     Another ship!! I love the picture above! lol Okay people, I'm gonna be interesting here or weird lol.  I absolutely LOVE DUNCNEY AND ALEHEATHER, but...I could see this happening.  I mean Duncan and Heather are like two of my all time favorite characters.  This would be a BILLION TIMES BETTER THAN GWUNCAN OKAY A BILLION TIMES BETTER.  To be entirely honest, I'd ship it, but I feel like they'd just be friends and get together to make Alejandro and Courtney jealous.  (Which would totally work...)  At the beginning of Island, Duncan kinda had a short lived thing for her, and then OMG ACTION HAPPENED LOLOLOLOL!!!  They were forced to kiss.  They've cuddled quite a bit tbh, in BOTH Island AND Action.  So technically, I'd ship it, however it's not one of my OTPs and I ABSOLUTELY ADORE AND LOVE AND CHERISH DUNCNEY AND ALEHEATHER so.....this could happen but shouldn't in my opinion.  Also, I think they'd totally be able to handle each other because if Duncan can handle Courtney and Heather can handle Alejandro, they'd be able to handle each other.  They'd probably actually be good together and they understand each other too.  But, Duncan belongs with Courtney and Heather belongs with Alejandro so...  lol wow am I confusing... Anyways what do you guys think?

  Anyways what do you guys think?

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