The Seasons

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This shall be my review on all the Total Drama seasons as of now! I know I said I'd get this to you guys sooner...but this is a long part lol. It took some time, so bare with me...

Total Drama Island-Season One:

     To be entirely honest, this is the best Total Drama season of all time even though it's not my favorite season

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     To be entirely honest, this is the best Total Drama season of all time even though it's not my favorite season.  This season is my second favorite season (a very very very close second).  Depends on what aspects we're talking about. The couples? Yes! Best season for the couples by far!!! I mean c'mon! Duncney and Gwent and Gigette and Lyler and if you like Ozzy and Noco (not technically a canon but it still counts!) and Lesharold (I think that's the ship name, correct me if I'm wrong lol). So many good couples to choose from! Moving past the couples/shipping opportunities, the challenges were great and Chris McLean was at his PEAK!!!  He and Chef were absolutely amazing and perfect in season one!!!  (Honestly they didn't really lose their perfection until about season four-ish...)  My major complaints about this one were Heather kissing Trent (I mean seriously?), Owen winning (lol sorry), Heather getting her head shaved, and Ezekiel being a character lol. I don't really have too many complaints. The rivalries and stereotypes and relationships were so key and perfect. You just can't go wrong with this first season! (If only they could keep it that way...) It was an awesome season, but still my (close) second favorite. 

Total Drama Action-Season Two:

     This is also a good season because it's before Revenge of the Island

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     This is also a good season because it's before Revenge of the Island.  However I don't love it as much as the other two.  This is my third favorite season mainly because there was too much of a foreshadow of Gwuncan, Heather was bald, and Courtney was cheated out AS ALWAYS!!! The writers ruined Trent (and Courtney), thus ruining their perfect and beautiful relationships. Other than that, the challenges and the concept and the character (for the most part...*glares at certain people*...) were great, plus ORIGINALS!!! It's a solid third favorite.

Total Drama World Tour-Season Three:

Total Drama World Tour-Season Three:

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