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     (Above is a quick sketch I did of him on a dry erase board! lol)

     Another one of my random character rants! Yay! Ah yesssss! Duncan, the delinquent. Duncan, the criminal. Duncan, my favorite character of all time!  He's amazing!  Duncan is super hot, really smart though he doesn't use it to a scholastic advantage, absolutely HILARIOUS, sarcastic, and "Danger is kinda hot."  LOL!  I love Duncan just the way he is!  His teal blue eyes are beyond gorgeous.  I love his converse lol. Duncan was ruined in All Stars with the whole "bad boy gone soft" thing. Also, he was ruined whenever he was in a scene with Gwen the boyfriend kisser!  They're okay as friends, but I'll probably always have a burning hatred for Gwen...I'm sorry if you like Gwen and I offended you...  Obviously I prefer Duncan and Courtney.  Duncan has just always been so awesome, even in the seasons where he was slightly ruined.  He was great in World Tour, EXCEPT for in I See London.  The beginning of All Stars was okay, but suddenly like ruined every character ever.  Duncan also has an AMAZING SINGING VOICE!  When he sang after coming back on the show, I was like holy shit that boy can SING!  It's even more awesome that the voice actor who plays him, Drew Nelson, is hilarious and not too shabby.  LOL.  Duncan of course is way better, but they both rock.  Duncan is also actually pretty talented.  He's great at carving, hahaha, knows how to break apart and put back together cars, bikes, motorcycles, etc.  Love his rebelliousness and maybe his piercings lol.  Duncan's great at strategy and knows how to fend for himself.  He's got some real skill. I think that almost everyone has got at least a little bit of Duncan in them.  I just really love antagonists and Duncan's one of the best!  I know that not all of you can even tolerate him, but Duncan is just such a great character no matter what and I will always love him more than anything!  My love for Duncan can barely be put into words lol, but I guess I put some of it into words or this wouldn't be a new part!  LOL okay here's some more Duncan pictures because he's absolutely in every way astonishing and amazing and awesome and adorable (he really can be adorable occasionally to be honest lol) and admirable!!!  I just adore his "I don't care" attitude!  Well, technically his whole personality and attitude and everything about him.  I love absolutely positively every single little thing about my pyromaniac tough guy!  I love you, Duncan!

  I love absolutely positively every single little thing about my pyromaniac tough guy!  I love you, Duncan!

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