Noah x Emma

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     I hate this ship!  Emma absolutely ruined Noah's character!  He turned into some sort of optimistic lovesick puppy!  It was also extremely rushed.  I saw Noah more invested in Emma than she was in him which really pisses me off.  What happened when Noah was given a love interest is not accurate at all.  No one should change who they are because they think someone's pretty.  That's ridiculous!  I saw it as Emma being like some puppet master to Noah where whatever she says goes.  Noah would not be like that in a relationship.  When has his character ever put up with other people's bullshit?  Never!  So why would he in a relationship like that where he's portrayed as weak and gullible and like an airhead?  It doesn't make sense!  I really hate this pairing and believe that Emma absolutely ruined Noah and his character.

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