Josee x Jacques

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     I SHIP THIS SO HARD!!!  (Jacques is not gay, okay, he isn't.  A guy can be a professional ice dancer and wear pink and be straight, alright!)  They are so amazing together!  Josee and Jacques have been a team forever and they haven't left or given up on each other.  For all the fandom knows, they actually ARE married.  Seriously, nothing suggests that they aren't, but there's some hints that they could be.  Every scene in the Ridonculous Race with them was absolutely hilarious!  (Except when they booted Ennui and Crimson.  That was not cool.  I love Ennui! and Crimson is okay too I guess lol!)  Josee went along with Jacques and Jacques went along with Josee.  Even when Josee was losing it and throwing chairs and stuff, he just waited it out because that's what she does.  That was beautiful.  It's obvious they love each other, or they wouldn't have stayed together for so long.  Being ice dancing partners and then also signing up for the Ridonculous Race together, they're clearly devoted to each other and to win together.  There's no Jacques without Josee and there's no Josee without Jacques.  I say they're goals.  I love these two together and they are one of my absolute favorites on the Ridonculous Race.  They are so awesome and definitely belong with each other if they're not already together.  (Seriously, I swear they're married and just didn't say so on international TV...)


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