One More Answer

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This is for TheDeerGlasses 💙

Alright so here's some of my knowledge on girls and relationships since I am one:

Maybe become friends first!  I always tend to like guys who are friends with me more so than just around me

Compliment them!  We love being complimented, especially on personality or intelligence, but being called pretty or beautiful is always nice!  It's also more polite than hot or cute

If you have their number, text them first, even with just a simple "hey, how are you?"   Trust me, we appreciate being reached out to

Ask them questions about themselves!  Get to know them and what they like

Be a gentleman

A sense of humor is always AMAZING!  Being funny is key!  (Even if you don't think you're funny, you are, believe me!)

Pick up something they drop, lose, or carry their stuff if they need help, but DO NOT assume they are helpless or damsels in distress!!!

I hope this helps you!

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