"That's not what I meant!" I shake my head.

Jessica pulls back the scissors quickly. "Don't move. I almost cut your ear off." She snaps.

I keep my head straight. "Sorry." I apologize. I would prefer to keep my ear attached to my head.

"What should we say then?" Megan taps her foot impatiently.

"I don't know. Maybe we should call Simon?" I suggest digging my phone out of my back pocket.

I pull my hands out from underneath the black apron. These things always remind me of having a cape on backwards. I scroll through my contacts looking for Simon's number that Liam programmed in for me. I find his name and call his number.

"Hello?" Simon answers on the first ring.

"Hey, Simon. It's Tori." I tell him. "Megan and I were wondering what we should tell the guys when we bring all these bags back to the suite. Do you have any ideas?"

"Actually, I just got back to my suite after visiting them. I told them that I saw you two in the corridor and that I gave you my credit card. They seemed okay with it." Simon tells me.

"Thank you for telling them that. We had no idea what to say." I say in relief.

"Since I'm on the phone with you now. I called the Punk'd producers and they said they would love to have you on the show." Simon states.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

"What did they think about our situation of meeting the guys?" I ask Simon.

"They laughed. You two need to think of two other people you want to punk, though. It can be anyone that hasn't been on the show recently."

"We can do that." I smile at Megan. "We will tell you our two other choices later today. Thank you so much for everything. We really appreciate it."

"No problem at all. I should probably warn you that the boys were working on something when I was there. They said something about another prank."

"Great." I reply sarcastically.

"Well, I need to go make a few calls. See you later, girls."

"Bye Simon." I hang up.

"Well?" Megan stands up and admires her hair.

Jessica takes the apron off me. "Simon told the guys that he gave us his card." I tell her standing up. My hair had about an inch taken off.

Megan and I walk over to the cash register to pay. "What were you smiling about?"

I grab Simon's credit card from my front pocket. "Remember what we talked to Simon about earlier?" I ask swiping the card. "Well, we need to pick two other people." I grin.

Megan jumps up and down quickly. "Are you serious?! This is awesome! You need to work on your acting skills."

Once we finish paying we walk out of the hair salon. It's late afternoon now. We've been out for a while. We should probably head back to the hotel. I've finally got off the topic of buying a mustang. If we stay out any later the topic will come back up. That would be no bueno.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's Tori and Megan!" A loud girly scream interrupts my thoughts.

Megan and I spin around to see a girl about fifteen years old pointing at us. She runs over to where we are. Megan glances at me before looking back at the girl.

"I can't believe I'm meeting the two of you! I am your biggest fan!" She starts jumping up and down. "Can I get a picture with you guy?"

"Sure." Megan answers her. "Only if you stop screaming, though."

The girl shuts up immediately and pulls out her phone. "I'm sorry. I'm just so excited. You are so lucky to be friends with One Direction."

"Thanks." I laugh taking her phone from her. I take a picture of her next to Megan.

"What's it like being famous?" She stands next to me next.

"It doesn't feel like we are famous." Megan says truthfully. "We are just normal people hanging out with a crazy group of guys."

"Crazy hot guys." The girl giggles. "I'm Rebecca, but my friends call me Becca." She introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you." I smile.

"My friends are going to be so jealous when they find out I met you." Becca grins at the pictures of us on her phone. "Thank you so much!" She hugs us before walking away.

My first picture with a fan. I'll never forget this day.

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