Living For The Sake Of Life

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Two weeks had gone by. Like every other morning Aryanna got up, got ready and went to work. However, today she saw someone she hadn't seen in ten years. It was Maria.

Maria was a close friend of Aryanna and Haily - of course when they were friends. Although Maria was friends with the both of them, she took Haily's side and just like Haily, she broke all ties with Aryanna. After Haily's wedding, Aryanna never saw Maria again.

Aryanna went into her office and sat down.

"Ugh, new client again!" she said, annoyed.

Just then, her new client walked in. She had long, thick black hair and dark brown eyes.

'I've seen her before...' thought Aryanna.

"Hi, take a seat" said Aryanna, shaking hands with her client.

"Hi..." replied the client, frowning.

"Okay, so first things first, can I have your name please" asked Aryanna.

"Maria" responded the client.

"Maria... sounds familiar... Oh well, now, what brings you here?" asked Aryanna.

"I want a divorce from my husband" replied Maria.

Aryanna looked down, disappointed. She hated any words that were related to marriage, love, hate, separation.

"Okay..." she said.

"First, why don't we get the paper work done, then you can describe me in detail your problem?" suggested Aryanna.

"Okay" agreed Maria.

"So, can I have your full name then, please?" asked Aryanna.

"Maria Khan" replied Maria.

That triggered something.

'Maria Khan, Maria Khan... I know this person...' thought Aryanna.

At that, Aryanna remembered, her eyes opened wide.

"Maria Khan, you went to Norbury High, were friends with Haily and Aryanna?" asked Aryanna.

Maria looked in surprise at Aryanna.

"Aryanna?..." she questioned.

"YES!" said Aryanna, excitedly.

Aryanna walked up to Maria and hugged her.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Fine, you?" replied Maria.

"Great!" responded Aryanna.

Aryanna and Maria left the office and went to a restaurant.

"So, how's life been?" asked Aryanna, totally forgetting that Maria had come to her to get a divoce from her husband.

"I guess not too bad" said Maria.

"How's it been to you?" she said.

"Not too horrible, I'm just living for the sake of life, I died ten years ago... Ah, if only time could go back, there would be so many things I would change..." replied Aryanna, in despair

"I know" Maria said.

"Ten years..." sighed Aryanna.

"Yes, ten years, so many things have changed" said Maria.

"Ah, time, time" Aryanna added.

"Look, Aryanna, I'm so sorry about those time and..." spoke Maria.

"It's okay, that was that time" said Aryanna.

"How's... Haily?" asked Aryanna.

"She's fine. She's happy with her life with Valy but there's one thing that she isn't happy about - she cannot have children" replied Maria.

Aryanna stood still.

"Oh, okay..." she couldn't say anymore.

"Yeah" said Maria.

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