Love Takes Over Life

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Aryanna and Haily began stalking Valy just the way they did in year seven. They both thought the other only liked him, not loved him. Everyday, their love grew bigger for Valy and eventually so big that they were both willing to give their life for him.

"Hey, Aryanna and Haily, I saw Valy at the tennis court playing basketball with his friends" shouted Mariam, out of breath as she had ran all the way from the tennis court to the library just to tell Aryanna and Haily that Valy was in the tennis court. Mariam was a good friend of Aryanna and Haily.

Aryanna and Haily looked at each other, smiling and sprinted to the tennis court. They both sat down near the area Valy and his friends were playing basketball in.

"Stop making it so obvious by looking straight at them and laughing!" said Aryanna, meaning what she said.

"Yes Haily" added Mariam, who had come after them.

"Whatever" replied Haily.

It was the end of the day.

Aryanna got home and completed all her homework. Afterwards she lay down and began looking at Valy's photos. She would imagine herself and Valy being together.

Haily was at home, completed all work she had to do and sat down looking at Valy's photos. She thought about herself being together with Valy.

This was not the only day they done this, almost everyday Aryanna and Haily done this, looked at Valy's photos and imagine themselves with him. Valy was in their minds most of the time, when either of them remembered him, they would smile to themselves. However, neither of them knew how the other felt about Valy. They both thought the other only liked Valy... assuring themselves that the other didn't actually love him. Love had driven them both crazy. Love had taken over their life.

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