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The rest of the day passed. It was evening, Aryanna was still repeating the conversation she had earlier in her mind.  That same evening, Valy was thinking of Aryanna and what she had said to him. He was confused and was feeling different. He went on Instagram and saw a picture in his feed that looke like Aryanna. He went on her profile and realized it was Aryanna.

Valy, not knowing what he was doing, went on Facebook and found her there, he messaged her saying: "Hey, it's Valy, I was thinking maybe we could meet up outside of school and talk?". 

Aryanna looked at her phone and saw the message, she replied to him. Her message read: Okay... I don't mind, maybe on Saturday at the park behind our school?".  Valy agreed on this. They were going to meet on Saturday to talk. 

Just then the door bell rang, Aryanna ran and opened it. It was Haily. 

"Oh hey, didn't say you were coming" said Aryanna, confused as to why Haily had come around so late. 

"Ah, yeah, I had to tell you something, couldn't keep it till tomorrow" replied Haily. 

"Everything okay?" questioned Aryanna, worried. 

"Yeah, everything's fine" answered Haily. 

They went into the living room to talk. 

"Go on then" said Aryanna. 

"Okay, I wanted to tell you this some time ago, but I didn't get the chance to" said Haily. 

"I love Valy" she said; every word stung Aryanna. Her best friend was in love with the same boy she loved. 

"You sure?" asked Aryanna, feeling terrible and hardly able to speak.

"Yes, I am sure, he has become my everything. I am ready to do anything for him, I cannot live without him anymore" said Haily.

As she spoke, Aryanna could feel tears forming in her eyes, she tried to avoid them.

"Please help me, I want him!" spoke Haily.

"Huh, yeah, of course, anything for you" said Aryanna.

"You don't love him do you?" asked Haily, suspiciously.

"No, of course not, I just like him" lied Aryanna.

Aryanna was heartbroken.

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