Out Of Fantasy, Into The Real World

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It was 11:00pm in the evening and there was only an hour left for 2013 to end and 2014 to begin. Aryanna, her brother and little sister had just finished watching Sweeney Todd: The demon barber of fleet street. At around 12:50, all of Aryanna's family gathered in the room to watch the fireworks and begin the new year together, as usual.

As usual, Haily tried to stay up, but failed. She fell asleep while the new year began.

The countdown began and the firework went off, they all wished each other a Happy New Year. Aryanna got ready and went to bed.

I am walking up the sixth form stairs, a sixth former boy nudged me, laughed and walked down the stairs. I am hurt, I shouted at him from the stairs, he stopped and smiled in a evil way. I see Valy behind me, I tell him that boy hurt me, he stands still, no reaction. I repeat myself, he ignores me and walks up the stairs. I feel hurt from the inside. He doesn't care about me...

"Wake up Aryanna" said Aryanna's mum softly.

Aryanna woke up from her dream.

"It was just a dream" she said to herself.

Afterall, it wasn't just a dream. It had a meaning to it. Aryanna had a dream on the first night of a new year showing her Valy didn't care about her. This had to have a meaning.

School passed as usual.

In the evening Aryanna thought about her dream. She eventually realized that her dream had a meaning hidden behind it. It was showing Aryanna that she had to move on; Valy didn't know her and wouldn't care about her either; it was a new year, a fresh start. Aryanna had to make a newstart, without Valy in it. Aryanna had to get out of the fantasy world, her and Valy together, and come into the real world, the world in which Valy was not included in.

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