Ch.1 Tattoo shop

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Hey guys, so as you can see, for the first time, we'll be traveling to a place where we thought we wouldn't go to- Neverland. Now I doubt that Ever After High is going to continue, and even though I really wanted to see characters from Neverland, I figured that I'll just have to make my own characters and story line. And from I've got so far, I think I'm ready to show you guys. Plus if you've read my other and older Ever After High books, you may find some of my characters from those stories in this book, although there may be some differences, but that's okay. So I hope you guys enjoy book 10 of Once Upon a Time: Ever After High :) (Although I swear that if they do create characters from Neverland by the time I finish this book, I don't know how I'm gonna feel about that)

(Couple of years ago in Boston) One morning in the busy town, a teenage boy with dark hair and bright green eyes made his way outside an apartment with a small suitcase that he placed on the back of his motorcycle and secured it on. After making sure it was steady, he got on and started the engine and took off through the street. Not turning back, he drove his way out of the Boston and down the highway. And by the time it was the afternoon, he had made it into Maine.

He continued to drive down the road into the woods until he came upon a sign that read 'Welcome to Storybrooke', he pushed on the gas and drove pass the sign, entering the mysterious town. Once there, he parked his motorcycle in front of the Dream Inn motel where he entered the motel with his suitcase and went up to the front desk where he saw Macy Turner, also known as Briar Beauty, daughter of Sleeping Beauty.

"Hi" he said to her with a shy smile.

"Hello" she smiled "You need a room?"


"Okay" she pulled out a form and placed it in front of him as he started to fill it out.

"Are you visiting?" Macy asked.

"No I'm just staying here until I can get my own place."

"Well you might wanna do that quick, because the maximum days you can stay here is also a week."

"I'll take my chances."

"Well you enjoy your stay..." she looked at his name on the form "James."

"Thanks" he mumbled with a small smile as he made his way upstairs.

After settling his things, James went out into town where he walked down the sidewalk until he came upon a 'Help Wanted' sign that was placed on a tattoo shop called 'The Buccaneer'. Knowing that since he was going to be living in this Storybrooke, he might as well get a job. So as he went inside, he talked with the owner who was an older man with his arms covered in tattoos in the back room.

"You got any experience?" he asked James.

"A friend of mine used to do tattoos and I've learned from her and did one on her" Jame replied in a slight mumble.

"So you at least know how to use the tool?"

"I do."

"Excellent, that's the main that I needed. And uh, you can handle organizing and taking care of customers right?"

"Yeah" James muttered with a small nod.

The man then spotted the tattoo on James's forearm.

"Who did your tattoo?" he asked.

James turned to his arm tattoo that were the words 'young blood'.

"My friend did it" he replied.

"You got any other tattoos?"

He turned around and put his hand on the back of his neck where there was a small star and a bigger star above it just a few inches below his neck.

"Your friend did that too?" the man asked.

"Yeah" James mumbled as he turned back around.

"You seem to be a quiet fellow, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" James assured "A lot has been going on in my life."

"Well, I wont ask you about it if you like."

He gave a small nod in agreement.

"Well James-" the man sighed "I'll go ahead and hire you and see how you do, are you able to start working right now?"



Just then they heard the bell ring indicating a customer.

"I'll be back" the man said as he got up "I'll tell you what you need to do in a minute."

And with that he left the back room. Now alone, James looked around the back room not seeing much, just a few small boxes, a first aid kit, a sketchbook, and some temporary tattoos. Not knowing what to do and not wanting to be bored, he reached into his string bag that he brought with him and pulled out his panpipes. He brought the instrument to his lips and began playing a soft and quiet tune.

Whenever he was feeling down, playing his panpipes soothed him, but it also reminded him of his past. But his thoughts about his past soon came to a stop when the man entered as he stopped playing.

"I didn't know you played the panpipes" he said amused.

"Well it's just a hobby of mine" James replied.

"Well then, I need you to do a customer cause I gotta go run something, can you do that?"

"Sure" he shrugged.

He came out from the back room where he saw Ilene Moore, also known as Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts sitting at one of the chairs as the man headed out.

"Uh, hello" he said shyly to her as he pulled up a chair to her.

"You new here?" she asked.

"Yeah. And don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"You better" she smirked.

"So what tattoo would you like?"

"Just a small one on the side of my wrist of the card symbol for the Queen of Hearts."

As he got everything set up, he spotted a black heart tattoo on the back of her right shoulder that was showing through her tank top.

"I like your heart tattoo" he commented.

"Thanks" she said "It got it a few weeks ago."

After slipping on the rubber gloves, he held up the tattoo tool.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Tat me up" she smiled as she placed her elbow on the arm rest and held up her wrist.

He then started on her tattoo, wondering if this is what he was going to do for the rest of his life.

What do you guys think so far?

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