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"Keelian? Keelian can you hear me?" A distant voice calls me but my head feels like it's underwater. Everything seems blurry and misplaced, my brain slips from the invisible grip of my sanity like it's made out of sand.

And then everything starts to clear up. "Keely? Are you okay?" Who is this? Why does it sound so familiar?

A sudden light hits my vision when I finally have the courage to look around and I see Leonardo Sanchez. Completely alive and breathing right before me. I rub my eyes and blink in confusion. "Keelian! You're finally awake!" He shouts and hugs me, his arms draping around me. "I was so scared for you, love. I almost lost my mind!" Why does he look so young and innocent? His hair is long, but not nearly as long as I remember it being. And there's so much energy and life in him that his mere presence makes me feel overwhelmed.

"Where am I?" I croak out and he looks at me puzzled by my strange demeanor.

"You're in the nurse cabinet. A ball hit your head during P.E and you collapsed." He laughs and I glare at him. "Sorry, it was pretty funny."

I clear my throat, my eyes still sending daggers his way. "I mean sad, it was very, very sad. Also terrifying! Extremely terrifying!" He nods his head vigorously, but there's a smile hidden in his grey eyes. I missed those silver gems. What I don't understand is where and how I'm back to school? Is my mind playing another trick on me?

"Keelian Samuels? You're awake! Thank god, Mr. Lawrence almost took you to the nearby hospital!"

"Mr. Lawrence?" My head shakes multiple times, while I try very hard to process whatever is happening at the moment. "What does he have to do with this?"

The nurse blinks at me confused. "He's your P.E teacher. Did you hurt your head so bad that you don't remember?"

"What?" I whimper, standing up from the bed way too fast and the world starts turning black again. "Wow, Keels be careful. You might knock yourself out again if you move too quickly."

Why does Leonardo look so similar, yet so different? I can't put the puzzle pieces together in my head.

"Keely, you will be able to go back to class or go home in a few minutes. Try not to think too hard, okay?" The nurse, whose badge reads Miss Emily leaves the room with a quirky smirk on her face. I knew she looked familiar. She's an exact copy of my maid, only way less...evil looking. I give her ankle a quick glance and there's nothing there. Her Achilles is a good as new. How strange.

"Come on, Keel. Let's go to class. I'll drive you home after school, so don't worry your pretty little head about it."

"You'll drive me home? Since when do you drive your own car?" I murmur.

His expression matches mine quite well. "Since I got my licence three months ago?"

I look around, completely lost. My mouth feels dry again, so I lick my lips. Leonardo takes the chance and slants a quick kiss on my lips before I realize what he's doing. I start blinking even faster. He's never been the type to be public about our relationship. "What are you doing?"

"Um, kissing my girlfriend?" He replies and grabs my hand. I slip it out of his grip as panic finally starts to spread all over my body. "What's going on, Keelian? You've been acting strange ever since you woke up after getting hit with the ball."

"How long was I asleep?" I question and Leo shrugs his shoulder.

"Like fifteen minutes? No longer than that."

"Where are we?" I continue the interrogation, my doubtful suspicions only turning to be more and more believable.

"Um, Chicago, Illinois." He replies slowly, as if talking to me like this would make me any less confused.

Prehalia's Demons(Completed) I #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now