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The rest of the car ride passes by painfully slow. The atmosphere is heavy and nobody dares to break the silence that has been dominating in the crammed space for the last hours.

"So" Kent finally says after clearing his throat. "We are almost at Traum's gates. What should we do next, Mr. Sanchez?"

"Let's get out of the car as soon as possible and hide it somewhere. If everything goes according to plan we'll need a ride back."

As we get out of our safe space and reality starts hitting us one by one, the 'What If's' in my head threaten to suffocate me and prevent me from thinking.

Those 'What If's' will turn into your reality if you don't concentrate, I scold myself and with a shake of the head, I try my best to have my mind set on the mission at hand.

"Troy Lex's house is in the Southern side of Traum, where usually the poorest live. He's probably the only rich person there." Kent states when he finally has everyone's attention. Now that we're all out of the car even Leonardo looks strangely short compared to the two brothers. They are absolutely massive. "But from the provided information, we can see that they're holding the hostage somewhere in the middle of the Northern side..."

He then proceeds by explaining each and every path possible to Leonardo and Mr. Lawrence, which leads me to feel left out. "Keelian, want to see it too?" Finally, I hear my name and with careful steps I find my way in-between Jim and Clem.

For a moment, I'm taken aback that it's Leo who speaks up to me, but as I send him a thankful look, the way he gazes back at me only confirms that he's just the way he used to be: always watching me, always understand the meaning behind each and every movement of mine, as my body language is something he's been studying for a long time. As if I'm a painting which renders him so mesmerized that he can't stand to look at anything else. Before I realize it, I'm smiling like an idiot, putting everything but the image of those adoring grey eyes, which I fell in love with, aside. Even though Sanchez is obviously better at hiding his feelings, the upturned corner of his mouth doesn't go by unnoticed.

The awkward sound of Mr. Lawrence clearing his throat returns both to reality, making us overcome the splendid moment.

The brothers seem to know Traum very well and even though they look well fed and well treated, they are definitely Rats. The look in their eyes when they speak and the slight mischief, it all adds up only to reveal what I already realized.

"We pass by the Eastern Side where the rich guys live." Kent continues but I don't miss the sudden tremble of Leonardo's hands or the way Mr. Lawrence stares at him. There's definitely some history here that I have no idea about. Before I can get a closer look at Sanchez's face, the moment had passed. "Got it?" Kent finishes talking and we all nod.

The town's plan doesn't seem to be that complicated which I'm thankful for; my navigating skills are atrocious.

"Okay. It's already past midnight, so we've arrived just in time." The brothers exchange a glance. "Only one rule you must follow: Don't split. Alright?"

"Got it." Me and Leonardo reply in the same moment and I'm once again reminded of how much alike we are. My stomach churns with fear that this similarity might get us both killed and I can only hope that this day is not today.

We don't run, but we walk fast. It's already completely dark outside and there are no street lamps around, so not being able to see makes our journey all the more challenging. Not to mention that it creeps me out: the night takes away my most valuable sense.

"Be careful." Kent murmurs when he jumps over a deep hole in the road.

I hear his voice, of course, but with my already lacking coordination and my clumsy feet, I step just on the edge of the pit and feel myself falling in. Someone grabs me by the waist and I feel them press their warm body next to mine. "Careful." Leonardo hisses in my ear and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my arms clenching, ready to what I'd like to think is defend myself, but is definitely something more. Only that...he has no intentions of doing anything. The moment he knows I'm safely back onto both of my feet, he lets go of me and speeds ahead.

Prehalia's Demons(Completed) I #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now