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Mr. Loris arrives at 5:58am and rings the bell. I am already up and still hugging Mister Hippo. I don't think I'll be letting the stuffed animal go for a long time.

I open the doors and the man smiles at me, with his usual slicked hair and the too tight tie. "Good morning, Mrs. Samuels. Have you slept well?"

I stare at him dumbly with a plushy under one arm and a coffee cup in the other. Probably having mascara from yesterday still on my eyelids, I can guess how unprofessional I look. I didn't bother to remove it and I can already feel the zits forming. I have better things to care about right now, though, and I let the man in.

"I'll lead you to the room." I murmur exhaustedly but still move. When we finally enter, it's so dark that I turn the lamps on. There's something I don't expect there. A note.

I put a hand up and Mr. Loris stops in his tracks, his expression puzzled. Out of nowhere I pull a gun out from the pocket of my night robe and the man behind me hiccups in fear.

I point the gun at the table where the white piece of paper is placed but it seems to be harmless enough. I turn it around. At first I can't believe what I'm reading, so I blink a few times.

It's an address and a time.

South gate business center. 2pm.

I take the note, baffled by it's complete randomness and study it closer. Is this person an idiot to think I'd actually show up?

But then again there are two options for this note to find itself in my house.

One: Someone broke inside without triggering any alarms or having a rendezvous with my gun, however that is nearly impossible.

Two: This same someone has an insider that works here.

I scrunch up the paper in my fist and throw it in the bin. I think I'll need to do a quick staff review after I'm done with the adoption and Mr. Loris.

"Here it is, Mrs. Samuels." The lawyer puts the document in front of me with a triumphant expression. "It took a little convincing and perseverance on my side, but I got it on time. I legalized everything earlier this morning." He laughs, "I was the first person to enter the adoption center."

"Alright." I sigh, bored by his continuous bragging. If he's trying to show me that he's definitely the best in his area, then the fact that he got me an adoption paper in the matter of less than a day is convincing enough. "Where should I sign?"

"Here and here." He points to the top and the far bottom of the document. I take my time to read each paragraph anyway. I'm not that easy to trick even if he's not trying to do so. It never hurts to be assured. "Also there's a small price you should pay for having the adoption on the express list for legalization."

"Since when is a million a small price?" I cough and stare at the paper. Are those guys crazy?

"Oh, isn't it? I'm sorry for assuming." He sweats nervously.

"I may be rich but I'm not reckless, Loris." I eye him. "Also, I'm not stupid. There's no way I have to pay a million for adoption. I read the conditions last night when I couldn't sleep."

He suddenly starts fidgeting, obviously uncomfortable in his seat.

"I-" He begins but gulps away his words when I point the gun at him. I yawn, unimpressed with his attempt to pull a stunt on me.

"You have three seconds to admit who, why and where."

His eyes are rather harsh, even though his body quivers behind the muzzle of the weapon. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Prehalia's Demons(Completed) I #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now