Logan Paul - Overprotective

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"What are you wearing?" Logan asked Y/N when he looked up from his phone to see if Y/N was ready to go.

"Shorts and a shirt?" Y/N replied but it came out as a question. She didn't know why Logan asked her what she was wearing.

"That shirt is a little low cut...," Logan said to Y/N when he got off the couch and walked around her to inspect her outfit from all angles, "...And those shorts are really short."

"We're just going to George's." Y/N spoke. She didn't think there was an problem with her outfit especially since her and Logan weren't even going out in public.

"Where guys will be." Logan replied as he crossed his arms and stood in front of Y/N.

"I'm not changing." Y/N said as she crossed her arms and stared Logan in the eyes. She wasn't going down without a fight.

"Then you're not going." Logan told Y/N after a minute of silence. He was overprotective of Y/N. He didn't want his girlfriend around his friends wearing "a slutty outfit."

"Are you serious?" Y/N asked in shock. She couldn't believe Logan. Logan was never like this...maybe because he's never spoke up it before.

"Change or you're not going."

"You're acting like you're the boss of me." Y/N spoke as she walked back into her and Logan's room.

"Are you changing?" Logan called after her.

"NO!" Y/N yelled. She was going to stay behind. She wasn't going to let Logan be the boss of what she wears. She wanted to wear her low cut top and short shorts and if she couldn't, she wasn't going to go George's with Logan.


"I'm leaving!" Logan yelled fifteen minutes later as he got off the couch. He was hoping Y/N would change her mind and come with him. Plus how was he supposed to tell his friends his girlfriend didn't come because he wouldn't let her wear the outfit she wanted to wear.

"Have fun!" Y/N responded as she sat in bed on her phone.

Logan sighed as he walked to his room and opened the door, "You're really not coming?"


"Just wear something else." Logan sighed. He didn't think it was a big enough deal for not liking Y/N's outfit.

"I never tell you what to wear."

"Because..." Logan trailed off.

"Because what? Because you're a guy and if your always shirtless it's okay? But god forbid if I show my butt or clevage it's the end of the world."

"Fine. Wear whatever outfit you want and let's go."

"No," Y/N snapped, "How about you go and hang out with your friends and tell them that I'm not with you because you won't let me wear what I want to wear."

"I'll see you later." Logan replied as he walked away and left to go hang out with his friends. At this point they both needed time to calm down and talk about it later.

Logan was definitely wrong in the whole situation but he couldn't help it. He didn't want any guys, especially his friends, looking at his girlfriend.

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