Ivan Martinez - Caught

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"Upstairs. Ten." Ivan whispered into Y/N's ear as he walked past her.

Ivan was waiting for alone time with Y/N all day but she's been hanging out with Erika.

"Did Ivan just say something to you?" Erika asked as Ivan walked back over to Emilio and Anthony.

"No." Y/N lied as she glanced over at Ivan who was staring at her.

"Then why is he staring you down?" Erika asked Y/N.

"Who knows?" Y/N replied, playing it off.

"Yeah. Who knows?" Erika replied back, not believing Y/N.

"I'll see you later." Y/N told Erika as she walked away and headed upstairs.

A few minutes later Erika watched Ivan headed up and that's when Erika definitely knew something was up.


"I think Ivan and Y/N have something going on." Erika told Tessa when Tessa came into the kitchen.

"Thank god I'm not the only one thinking that. I thought I was losing it." Tessa replied. She could've sworn that Ivan and Y/N keep getting closer and flirting more as time progresses.

"Nobody knows about Ivan and Y/N. Like are they dating?"

"Emilio might know." Tessa replied as they both immediately looked over at Emilio who was sitting with Chance and Anthony.

"Go ask." Erika told Tessa.

"No! You go ask!"

"No, you!"

"Fine." Tessa groaned as she walked over to the guys.

"Emilio, what's up with Ivan and Y/N?" Tessa asked as Chance and Anthony widened their eyes at each other.

"I don't know." Emilio lied. He knew for a fact that Ivan likes Y/N and they've been spending a lot of time together. Chance and Anthony also knew this because Y/N would be in their room playing video games with Ivan at night.

"Do you guys know?" Tessa then asked Chance and Anthony since they started acting weird ever since she came over.

"Tessa, I would tell you if I knew." Chance replied.

"They're just friends." Anthony added.

"Just friends? Yeah, right." Tessa said as she walked back over to Erika.

"We're going up there and seeing what Y/N and Ivan are doing." Tessa stated, not giving Erika a choice.


"There's a hole in the wall and the door's not closed. They're probably not in there." Erika told Tessa as they tip toed down the hall.

"You never know." Tessa said as she walked up to the hole in the wall and looked inside.

"They're making out." Tessa excitedly whispered to Erika as she starting swatting her arm in excitement as she jumped up and down.

"Shhh." Erika said as she saw Jake walking up the stairs.

Jake got suspicious when he spotted Erika and Tessa just standing in the hall. Especially since they immediately shut up when they saw him.

"What're you guys doing?" Jake loudly asked. Tessa and Erika immediately shushed him and pointed towards the room.

"What?" Jake asked since he was confused.

"Ivan and Y/N." Erika whispered as Jake looked into the room and saw Ivan and Y/N making out.

"What's happening?" Jake asked as Ivan and Y/N immediately broke away from each other.

"Nothing." Ivan replied as Y/N and Ivan moved away from each other but it didn't matter at this point. They were caught and no matter how much they lied they couldn't get out of the situation.

"Are you guys dating?"

"No." Ivan and Y/N said in unison and it was the truth.

"But you guys were making out?"

"People could make out and not be dating." Y/N told Jake, Tessa, and Erika.

"So friends with benefits?" Jake asked as Ivan looked over at Y/N since he didn't know what Jake was talking about.

"You can say that."

"Do you guys like each other?" Jake then asked even though the answer seemed pretty obvious.

"Shut up." Y/N groaned as she walked past them all to leave the room. She hated talking about her feelings.

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