Emilio Martinez - I Like Her

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Y/N was sitting at the table with Emilio, Nick, and Tessa when Jake told Y/N to come into the office with him.

"What's up?" Y/N asked Jake when she sat down and realized that Ivan, Chance, and Anthony were also in the office and looking like something was about to go down.

"Emilio likes you." Jake stated which caused Y/N to raise her eyebrows.

"Isn't Tristian coming over?" Y/N asked, changing the subject. 

"Don't change the topic." Chance spoke up.

"He likes me...so yeah, whatever." Y/N replied as she got up but Anthony grabbed her wrist to make her stay.

"Do you like him?" Ivan asked because he wanted his brother to get the girl he likes.

"I don't know." Y/N said as she looked everywhere but the guys.

"It's a yes or no answer." Jake replied.

"Cool." Y/N replied as she got up and left the office, the guys letting her leave.

Ivan, Chance, Anthony, and Jake then made a plan for Chance to flirt with Y/N in front of Emilio to hopefully make jealous and confess his feelings. 


"Hey, Y/N, you're a cutie." Chance said about ten minutes later when he sat down next to her.

"You aren't so bad yourself." Y/N replied as Chance wrapped his arm around Y/N.

Ivan looked over at Emilio and Ivan could tell his brother was getting jealous.

"Do you want to go to the movies later?"  Chance asked Y/N as he gave her a look so she would say yes.

"Yeah." Y/N replied as she raised her eyebrows at Chance to silently question him about why he was acting strange. 

"Go along with it." Chance whispered. Emilio then looked back over at Chance and Y/N so Chance grabbed Y/N's face and roughly kissed her.

Emilio's hands slammed down on the table when Chance broke away from Y/N.

"Dude!" Emilio yelled at Chance.

"What?" Chance innocently asked.

"I like you, Y/N!" Emilio shouted as he then left and headed upstairs.

"Oh my god, he really does." Y/N said in shock as everyone looked around at each other, not knowing what to do.


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