Ivan Martinez - I Got Her Pregnant Prank

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"Y/N, come here!" Ivan called from the office where everyone was.

"What's happening?" Tessa asked since her and Erika had no clue what was happening. All the boys seemed extremely suspicious.

"Shhh." Jake and Chance said in unison when Y/N walked into the office.

"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you." Ivan sighed as Y/N sat down next to him.

Ivan grabbed Y/N's in his.

"Y/N, I cheated on you...And the girl is," Ivan was saying.

"Pregnant." Jake said since Ivan didn't know the word. 

"Pregnant? You cheated on me and got a girl pregnant?"

"Yeah." Ivan said as Y/N yanked her hand away from Ivan and stood up, shaking.

"Why? Why would you do this to me?" Y/N asked, completely upset and disappointed in Ivan.

"I'm sorry." Ivan stood as he stood up and went to touch Y/N but she backed away from him. She was shaking.

"If you're sorry, you wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place."

"I love you." Ivan replied.

"You got another girl pregnant."

"I didn't mean it." Ivan said and it seemed like Ivan was taking the prank way too far.

"Do you even know what a condom is?" Y/N snapped at Ivan which caused everyone to laugh.

Erika and Tessa did not know it was a prank so they were in complete shock as the guys continued filming.

"I love you, Y/N." Ivan said.

"No, you don't." Y/N replied as the guys all started moving around the office feeling extremely awkward.

"I didn't mean to get her pregnant."

"So you decided to cheat on me, sleep with her, and didn't think she'd get pregnant?" Y/N asked Ivan like he was dumb.

"Yeah." Ivan laughed.

"You're just so good at getting girls pregnant."

"What do you mean?" Ivan asked.

"I'm pregnant, you dickhead." Y/N replied as she walked out of the office.

They all stood around in shock, especially Ivan. He couldn't believe it. A prank turned into a confession of pregnancy.

"Uncle Kade!" Kade joked since they all felt extremely wrong and awkward for thinking pranking Y/N would be a good idea.


"You fucking told me you cheated and got a girl pregnant and you're acting like nothing happen." Y/N said when Ivan walked into her room ten minutes later and he was recording.

"Y/N, it was a prank." Ivan laughed.

"You're kidding."

"It's a prank!" Ivan said as Emilio, Jake, Anthony, Kade, and Chance walked in laughing.

"You're such a dickhead." Y/N told Ivan.

"Wait, so you are pregnant?" Ivan asked as he sat down next to Y/N.

"Yes." Y/N replied as everyone was in absolute shock. Y/N was only 17 and Ivan was only 18.

"You really don't know what condoms are." Chance said as Anthony hit him over the head. It wasn't the right time and place to be making jokes.


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