Emilio Martinez - Pregnant With Twins

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"Jake, I don't know what to do." Y/N cried to him.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked Y/N as he closed his bedroom door and pulled Y/N into his arms.

Y/N pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket and showed it to Jake.

Jake saw the positive and his jaw dropped open.

"I'm guessing it's Emilio's." Jake laughed trying to make light of the situation.

Y/N and Emilio both weren't ready for a baby. They were way too young.

"I don't know what to do." Y/N cried to Jake.

"You have to tell him." Jake told Y/N as there was a knock on the door.

"Y/N?" Emilio asked as Y/N started wiping her eyes.

"I can't tell him." Y/N whispered to Jake.

"You have to." Jake told Y/N as Emilio knocked again.

"Yo, Emilio, Y/N will meet you down in the office in like half an hour." Jake said through the door. Jake listened for Emilio's footsteps walking away from the door before he spoke to Y/N.

"I'll tell him with you, if you want me to."

"Yes, please." Y/N said as there was another knock on the door.

"What's happening?" Chance asked.

Y/N told Jake to open the door so he did.

"What's wrong?" Chance immediately asked when he saw Y/N's tears.

Y/N showed him the pregnancy test.

"Oh shit." Chance said as Anthony walked into the room.

"Oh fuck." Anthony asked as he looked at Y/N. She was too young to be having a baby.


Y/N walked into the office half an hour later behind Jake.

"What's going on?" Emilio asked as Jake and Y/N sat down, Y/N extremely nervous.

Y/N handed over the pregnancy test.

"Emilio, Y/N is pregnant." Jake spoke.

"No way!" Emilio said as he got up to hug his girlfriend.

Y/N raised her eyebrows at Jake as she hugged Emilio.

"You're not upset?" Y/N asked Emilio in shock.

"No. I love you." Emilio said like just because they love each other means they could support a baby.


"The babies are doing great." The doctor said to Y/N and Emilio three and a half months later when she was a little over five months pregnant. Jake, Chance, Anthony, and Ivan were also with them for support since they were all extremely close.

"Babies?" They all said in absolute shock.

"You're having twin boys." The doctor said as she looked at Emilio and Y/N.

"Why does every good thing have to be double?" Y/N sighed.

Of course she would have twins. Ivan and Emilio were twins obviously there was the possibility that she would have twins. But she never thought it would actually happen.

"What're their names going to be? Emilio Jr. and Ivan Jr.?" Chance joked.

"I was actually thinking Chance and Anthony." Y/N replied.

"Really?" Chance excitedly asked since he was he only one who didn't realize that it's a joke.


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