Chance Sutton - Chessa

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"I heard you used to skip class to make out with Y/N." Tessa said to Chance.

"Oh..yeah. That's a thing I used to do." Chance awkwardly said. He was just caught in a secret from high school he tried to hide. 

"Yeah. Jake brought it up." 

"We all do things in high school we regret." Chance defended himself.

"What's the part that you regret? Skipping class or having a thing with Y/N?" 

"Skipping class." Chance admitted. He couldn't regret what he had with Y/N.

"Do you still care about Y/N?" Tessa asked.

"She's one of my best friends. She always has been and she always will be." Chance told Tessa.

"But she's Jake's girl."

"That doesn't mean she can't be my best friend."


"Y/N, you have to tell Tessa that there's nothing between us." Chance said when he walked into the office where her and Jake were.

"What do you mean?"

"She thinks there's something between us because Jake," Chance said as he stared Jake down, "decided to tell her that I used to skip class to make out with you."

"Why am I always the one who has to solve everyone's relationships?" Y/N asked as she got up and left the office to find Tessa.


"Hey Tessa, can I talk to you?" Y/N asked when she walked into the kitchen where Tessa was with Erika.

"Why don't you go talk to Chance?" Tessa shot back.
"Damn." Y/N said because Tessa was angry and Y/N has never seen her like that.

"Life would be so much better if you never met Chance." Tessa snapped as Erika's jaw dropped open in shock. Y/N and Tessa are Erika's best friends, she never wanted to be stuck in the middle choosing a side.

Y/N wasn't going to fight so she turned around and headed back into the office. Chance and Jake both heard what Tessa said.

"Well, you heard it from her." Y/N said to Chance soft enough for Tessa to not hear.

"I still love you." Chance told Y/N as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Whatever." Y/N replied as she walked away from Chance.


"Do you like Chance?" Tessa asked when she barged into Y/N's room later.

"As a friend. Yes, definitely."

"You've never had actual feelings for him?" Tessa asked. She was making sure Chance is all hers.

"At some point in high school I thought I might actually like him but besides that I've never had actual feelings for him."

"I still can't get over that you have a past with him."

"I'm the past, you're his future."

"You've never slept with him?" Tessa asked. She wanted to make absolute sure that Y/N wasn't anything but a friend to Chance.

"No. Never."

"Did you ever think about?"

"No. Oh my god. Leave" Y/N said. She had enough of Tessa asking her all these questions that weren't shit.

Tessa walked out of Y/N's room and went to find Chance.

"I can't help but compare everyone else to Y/N." Tessa heard Chance tell Anthony as she stood outside of the guy's bedroom.

Tessa's heart immediately shattered as she headed to her room. She would never be like Y/N, the girl Chance actually loved.

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