Jake Paul - Finding Out

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"Hey." Y/N said as she tiredly walked into the office that night and came and sat on Jake's lap.

"You tired?" Jake laughed when he saw how tired Y/N actually was as she wrapped her arms around Jake's neck.

Y/N nodded in response as Jake gripped Y/N's thigh.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Jake quietly asked Y/N as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I can't sleep without you." Y/N replied as she put her head down on Jake's shoulder.

"I have to edit some more."

"How much longer?"

"Half an hour." Jake said. It was midnight and Y/N just wanted to go to sleep with Jake.

"I'm gonna stay with you." Y/N said as she got up and went and sat in Nick's chair to wait for Jake to finish.


Y/N was asleep when Jake finished editing.

"Baby, wake up." Jake said as Y/N opened her eyes and looked up at Jake.

"Carry me." Y/N mumbled as she put her arms out.

Jake picked her up and Y/N wrapped her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck.

"You're cute when you're tired." Jake replied as he carried Y/N out of the office.

"I wanna cuddle." Was all Y/N said as Jake headed up the stairs.

Jake placed her down on his bed when he got to his room.

Jake laid down behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm so in love with you." Jake said as they fell asleep.


Y/N was in the office with Jake early the next morning.

"You're so cute." Jake sighed when he broke his eyes away from his computer to look his girlfriend in the eyes.

"So are you." Y/N replied as they kissed which just so happened to be the same time Kade walked in.

"Oh my god! Uncle Kade!" Kade said which caused Jake and Y/N to break apart.

"Kade..." Jake trailed off as he saw how happy Kade was.

Before Jake could say anything Kade headed back out of the office.

"He's probably telling everyone." Jake groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair.


Two minutes later Chance and Anthony came into the office, clearly just woken up by Kade.

"That's my boy!" Chance said as him and Anthony came over to Jake's desk to congratulate him.

Y/N got up to head out of the office when Tessa was heard yelling as she came down the stairs, "Y/N!"

"NO! SHE'S MINE!" Erika yelled back as she ran after Tessa. They were fighting about who would hug and talk to Y/N first.

"Y/N!" Tessa squealed as her and Y/N hugged, Erika joining the hug.

"How long has it been?" Erika asked when they all broke away.

"Almost two months."

"Out of all the people you could choose." Tessa laughed as they heard Kade yelling and shouting to Nick. Nick was the only person who didn't come running when Kade started shouting.

"You've got to be kidding me." Nick said to Kade when he came out of his room.

"Come on! Jake and Y/N!" Kade said as the Martinez twins came out of their room to join the celebration downstairs in the office.

Nick just shook his head, "Y/N could do way better."

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