Kade Speiser - Shower

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"KADE!" Y/N yelled loud enough for Kade who was in the office to hear. Kade got up from his desk and went up to Y/N's room.

"What's up?" Kade asked when he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"I have to shower." Y/N said as she got off her bed and walked towards him.

"What does that have to do with me?" Kade asked even though he already knew the answer.

Y/N smirked as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

"I should be downstairs." Kade told his girlfriend as she pushed him against the counter.

"No. You should be up here with me." Y/N replied as she pulled his shirt over his head.

"You're bad." Kade said as he slowly put his hands down Y/N's sweatpants. Kade was always down to spend time with his girlfriend.


"Where's Kade?" Jake asked when Chance and Anthony came down to the office ten minutes later.

"I think he's getting it on with Y/N." Anthony told Jake as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well then." Jake laughed.

"Isn't the shower on?" Jake asked a minute later as he pointed upstairs.

"Yeah." Chance laughed as Nick walked into the office.

"Don't go upstairs." Nick told them. He looked disgusted

"Why?" Erika asked when she walked into the office since she heard them talking.

"All you could hear is Y/N and Kade moaning." Nick said as the twins walked in. Everyone was going into the office to escape Y/N and Kade.

"Y/N's all like..." Emilio told everybody as he made girl moans.

"And Kade's all like 'fuck yeah!'" Ivan added.

"Shut up." Chance laughed at the twins. They all didn't like hearing the sounds of Kade and Y/N so early in the morning.


Thirty minutes later, Kade came downstairs pretending like nothing happened. He never meant to stay long, yet he still cut him and Y/N's "activities" in half.

"Why's your hair wet?" Chance asked Kade when Kade walked into the office.

"Shut up." Kade laughed as everyone started to leave the office since Y/N and Kade were done.

"We all heard you." Erika said to Y/N when she walked in Y/N's room where she was using a towel to dry her soaking wet hair.

"Yeahhh." Y/N laughed.

"Is he good?" Erika then awkwardly asked.

"Yeah. He's amazing." Y/N said, not just talking about sex.

"Do you see a future with him?"

"I'm just playing it chill." Y/N admitted.

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