Ivan Martinez - I Like You

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Y/N was sitting in the office next to Nick and watching Ivan who was sitting with Emilio on the other side of the room.

"You should just tell him you like him." Nick said quiet enough for nobody else to hear.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked as she looked away from Ivan to look at Nick.

"I know you like Ivan. We all know."

"No, I don't." Y/N tried to deny it but it was clear she was lying.

"Just tell him. What's the worse that could happen?"

"He doesn't feel the same way and I'll have to face him every day since we live in the same house."

"Well yeah but he could like you. You never know."

"He doesn't like me." Y/N sighed as she stood up and left the office.

As soon as Y/N got up the stairs, Nick crossed the room to tell Ivan about Y/N's feelings. It wasn't the right thing to do but if Y/N wasn't going to do it, he had to.


"I hear you like my brother." Emilio said to Y/N as hour later as they sat in the kitchen.

"What?!" Y/N asked in shock.

"Yeah. Everyone knows."

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked Emilio, hoping that Emilio was pranking her.

"Nick said you like Ivan."

Y/N's jaw dropped open as she got up and went to find Nick.

"NICK!" Y/N screamed as she went charging up the stairs.

"You fucking told?!" Y/N asked Nick in shock when she opened Nick's door and walked into his room.

"You weren't going to tell him."

"That doesn't mean you can tell him."

"Well I did and I'm pretty sure he likes you back." Nick said which caused Y/N's facial expression to go from angry to happy.

"Really?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

"He's planning on talking to you."


Y/N was laying on the trampoline next to Ivan at around eleven pm. Everybody was starting to calm down and off doing their own things so nobody was around Y/N and Ivan.

"Nick told me." Ivan spoke up as he looked over at Y/N.


"I like you too." Ivan told Y/N, cutting right to the chase.

"Good." Y/N smiled as Ivan leaned towards her and kissed her.

It was a soft kiss that didn't last long.

"THAT'S MY BOY!" Jake yelled when Ivan broke away from Y/N.

Y/N and Ivan looked into the kitchen where Jake was standing. Ivan and Y/N didn't realize Jake was there but Jake knew something was going down between them so he spied.

"Shut up!" Ivan laughed as Jake came over to the trampoline.

"It only took you guys forever to admit your feelings." Jake said as he climbed onto the trampoline and laid between them.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked.

"Making sure you guys don't get too comfortable."

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